whatever this is

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so i was just watching some tiktoks that inspired this, enjoy!! 

"no, I can't," Harry said, refusing to step through a door, specifically the door that led to the backstage curtain, that would open up and resume the show. 

"You've done it a million times, why is this any different?" Jeff asked, trying to encourage Harry to go on stage. 

Harry's chest started to tighten, and his palms started to sweat. He nervously ran a hand through his hair, wiping his palms on his pants. He stared at the door he dreaded, everyone was waiting for him to come on stage, the fans were chanting his name. 

"Harry, what's wrong?" Jeff asked, handing Harry a bottle of water in hope of calming him down, but Harry shook his head no. Harry didn't know what was wrong, all he knew was that he didn't want to be there, but he had to be there and there was no way out of it. 

He wanted there to be some sort of mishap, something that would make everything go out of plan, then the show would be rescheduled, and he would have to do it some other time. He wanted the fans to stop chanting, so it didn't seem like he would disappoint them if he didn't come on stage. 

"I don't wanna do the show anymore, can I go back to the hotel... please?" Harry asked, sliding down a wall, emphasizing the fact that he was never going to step through that door. 

"Harry, you have to do the show, c'mon," Jeff said. 

Mitch came into the room, wondering what was taking so long, because he had been playing the entry solo thing forever, but Adam decided to tell the fans that there would be a prolonged intermission. 

Jeff signaled that now wasn't the time to be asking questions, by shaking his head violently when he came in. Mitch didn't listen of course, and decided to sit down with Harry. Jeff left. (JEFF WTF, and here's some bromance for ya'll) 

"I don't wanna do it," Harry said, clearing up the situation. 

"Why not?" Mitch said, grabbing a bottle of water and drinking some, before offering some to Harry, Harry surprisingly drank it this time, doing nothing for his nerves. 

"I don't want to, it's too much," Harry said, handing the bottle back to Mitch. 

"how come?" Mitch said, standing up, causing Harry to worry even more. He liked Mitch's company. 

"It just is" Harry said.

"oh, I wouldn't know, all I do is play guitar and sing backing vocals." Mitch said, walking towards a cooler, he got Harry some vOdka, and himself some beer. 

"I have a show to do," Harry protested. 

"I thought you didn't want to do it?" Mitch said, sitting back down. 

"Jeff's making me," Harry said, as Mitch put away the drinks, sitting back down. 

"so you're doing it?" Mitch asked, smiling. 

"No!" Harry said, He noticed Jeff watching from a distance, smiling to himself. 

"Then why the fuck didn't you take the drink!?" Mitch said, still smiling and waving his hands up dramatically. 

"Bitch," Harry said, as he got up, hiding his grin. 

They went onstage, and for the rest of the show Mitch was annoying, because he kept tricking Harry into doing good. 

any thx for reading, srry for the short fic, but again, theres this thing called school. stay safe, wear a mask, and byeeee. 

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