She bent down to the floor to pick up the clothes she had discarded there last night and slipped on the jeans and top. She walked towards the door and looked at it curiously.

"Alexandra," She said to it, waiting for it to wiz open. A little light on the hand scanner flashed yellow.

"Unknown identity," The robotic voice stated. "Try again."

"Stupid thing," Alexa grumbled. "Alex-an-dra." She enunciated, slightly mocking it for its robotic tone.

"Unknown Identity," It said again, the light flashing orange. "Try again."

"Alexandra!" She shouted at it, severely annoyed.

"Unknown Identity," The little light began to flash red. "Try again."

Alexa studied the stupid door, thoughtfully. "Alexa," She said curiously. The light shone green and the door whizzed open. She quickly jogged out of the room, looking back over her shoulder at the temperamental door. She forgot that Xander had said he'd change the security settings.

She walked through the house and her stomach grumbled loudly, making her walk into the kitchen for something to eat. She gave her name to the door and walked in, looking at Xander as he was bent over the dining table, examining it intently.

Xander had heard her come in, but didn't look up, trying to focus on the task at hand. He needed to sort every warrior into the proper class. He examined the profile of a warrior in training and put him into the 2nd level.

"So," Alexa said, sitting at the other end of the table. "Where's the food at?"

"I have ordered you pancakes. They should be here shortly," Xander replied, his voice sounding a bit far-off for he was paying attention to his obligations.

What was he doing? She examined his side of the table from afar, unsure what he was doing. "Great," She smiled at him, but he still didn't look up at her. "So...whatcha doin'?"

He looked up at her, smiling slightly. "Come, I will show you." He relaxed against his chair, his shoulders slowly unwinding and she stood up, unsure, but walked over to him. Alexa raised her eyebrows; it looked like a profile of a person. There was a picture of him looking coldly into the camera and personal information on the side.

"You're perving?" She joked. Xander furrows his brows at her in confusion. "Never mind," She sighed, "What is it you're doing?"

"I am putting the warriors into their classes," He answered, patiently looking up for her reaction. "First level is the top class warriors and very few get ranked as such. Second level is the second class. It is the combat-able warriors that can handle hand-to-hand just as well as any weapon. Third level is the weapon-reliant warriors, those of which are better with weapons than hand-to-hand. Fourth class is a starting level, but some stay in it, meaning that they know little about how to handle a weapon and little about hand-to-hand techniques."

"Uh..." Alexa muttered, taking in the information, ""

"Press this," Xander replied, indicating to an intricate-looking symbol. She pressed it and a message flashed on screen. Ivo Piers: Level 3. She looked over at Xander, a small smile on his face. "You are a natural."

"Why, if you speak perfect English, do you use weird symbols?" She asked curiously. She found it odd, especially since their English was impeccable.

"There is still a possibility, even with all of our advanced technology, that some of your people find our base and decide to hack our system. Will it not be a surprise when they cannot understand our system?" He said, amused.

Project X ✔ [O L D V E R S I O N]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن