Pet Store

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The cat snapped its head to look at me, so quick that I'm surprised it didn't break. Okay then... Guess not...

I sigh. "Fine then. I'll think of a different name on the way to the pet store." I remark as I push myself up off the couch. I grab my wallet off the coffee table.

I grab my keys hanging next to the front door and get ready to leave. After I finish tying my black and white Nike shoes, I open the door and walk out.

"I'll be back soon! Don't ruin anything!" I yell back in the house as I shut it behind me and lock it. I walk over to my small silver car and hop in. I insert the key in the ignition and start the car, backing out of the driveway. I start driving down the road towards town.

I look down at the clock. '8:12' is what the clock read. Still quite early in the morning. I decide to play the radio since it was really quiet. I hate silence.

I finally pull up to the pet store. I park in the small, empty parking lot close to the front door. Before I get out of the car, I make a mental list of what I need to buy. 'Food, bed, treats, litter box, litter, scratching post, food bowl, and a collar. I think that's it!' I think to myself as I turn the car off.

I push open my door and hop out. I make sure I have my things before shutting the door. When I confirm I have all my things, I close the car door and walk up to the front door off the small pet shop.

I walk into the shop, warm air hits my face. I look around the store trying to spot what I planned to buy. I spot a tower of metal baskets. I walk up to them and grab one, knowing I won't be able to carry it all by myself.

I start walking down the isle, searching for things I need for my new furry friend. I found some cat food quite quickly. I place it in the basket and continue on my way down the isles.

I stopped to look at the fish that swam peacefully in their colorful tank. I saw some cute puppies playing in a large cage. A few small kitten laid in a smaller cage, one was trying to sleep and the others were trying to play with them and wake them up.

I finally finish shopping, everything the kitten will ever need, plus more. I spotted some other things that I thought were adorable and just grabbed them even if I knew the cat will never use.

I walk up to the check out, two baskets in hand. I start placing all of the items on the counter in front of the cashier, who looked very young. Probably a teenager. The more stuff I placed, the faster she attempted to scan and place in the bags. You could see the sweat forming.

The cashier finished scanning in record time from the abnormal speed she went. I may be a world record Minecraft speed runner, but damn, she needs to be the world record fastest scanner.

"1-129.21!" She spoke, her voice small and sweet.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out my visa card. She passed me the small machine and I tapped my card.

"T-thank you." I stuttered as I picked up my bags, still puzzled about how fast she scanned.

"Have a great day, sir!" The small cashier said with enthusiasm.

"You too!" I replied, while I walked over to the front door.

I pushed the door open with my side and walked over to my car. I put a bag on the ground in front of the trunk and open it. I placed all the bags in the car and shut the trunk before getting in the front seat.

I started the car again and pulled out of the small parking lot, now no longer empty. I drove through the now busy street. I look at the time once again. It was around 9:30. 'I was in the pet store for an hour?!'

I got home and pulled in the driveway. I stopped the car and popped the trunk before hopping out the car. I walked to the back of the car and started grabbing bags. Once I grabbed all the really heavy bags, I shut the trunk with my elbow.

I swiftly walked up to my front door and placed a bag on the ground to make it easier to open the door. I unlocked it, opened it and grabbed the bag then walked in, shutting the door with my foot.

"Kitty!" I yelled into the house, placing the bags on the ground. I grabbed the bag of cat food and food bowls and walked over to the kitchen. I placed the bowls on the ground then poured the kitten some food. The cat didn't come to get some food, so I went to go look for him.

I went into the living room where I last left the cat. He wasn't anywhere around, so I went over to the couch which faced away from me. I walked up to it and looked down at it. I froze. What I saw on the couch was the last thing I'd expect to be laying on my couch.

What I saw on my couch was...

~WC 917~

Sorry this chapter was a little shorter, this will probably be about the average length of a chapter:)
And please remember, tips are always welcome!


Kitty - DNFWhere stories live. Discover now