"An Adeptus?"

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Zeile's POV

I was standing outside of my parent's inn, nervous about making a good impression since it was my first-day working "Zei" My dad called to me from inside so I quickly walked over to him "yes?" I replied "just a warning, on the top balcony an Adeptus usually resides" He said and I looked at him confused "An Adeptus?" I asked and he nodded "they're the protectors of Liyue, and this certain Adeptus is Xiao, the only living yaksha. You remember what yakshas are right?" He asked and I just nervously giggled causing him to sigh " They're adepti dispatched by Rex Lapis to... Subdue, the demons that plague Liyue. There were five of them, but 3 are dead and one is missing" He said.

I looked down stayed quiet for a few seconds, then I got an idea and quickly looked back up at my dad "what does Xiao like?" I ask and my dad seemed to hesitate "He likes almond tofu, but Idontreallythinkyoushould-" He says trying to get me to stop but as soon as he said almond tofu I ran inside causing him to let out an annoyed sigh, I've been at the inn before multiple times so I know my way around.

I run to the kitchen, and see the cook isn't there so I begin making some almond tofu, once I was done I plated it then quickly walked up all the stairs and onto the top balcony "Xiao" I quietly said as I looked around confused since I saw no one soon a male appeared in front of me with his hand out, I jumped slightly then I slowly handed him the plate, I stared into his golden eyes, he was beautiful, I was expecting a tall, hunky, scar ridden, beast, but he was absolutely beautiful, and I loved it.

As soon as the plate was in his hand he turned away and stepped towards the railing as he started eating the almond tofu "s-sorry if you don't like it, th-the cook was on break so I made it, i-i hope it's okay... if it's n-not I can go have the cook make you some more when he's not on break" I nervously rambled and he scoffed before looking over his shoulder at me "how old are you?" He asked and I was taken aback at the fact that he was even talking to me "I'm 19" I said and he looked straight ahead again "it's fine I guess" He said.

I then walked downstairs slightly upset "what's wrong dear" My mom asked and I sighed and walked over to her "I don't exactly think Xiao likes me" I say and she looks confused "why do you say that" She asked and I sighed again "he barely spoke to me and barely looked at me, he scoffed at me and when he did speak to me he said my cooking was just fine. I think I'm a pretty good cook" I say while crossing my arms, muttering the last part to myself.

My mom giggled and placed a hand on my head "Jeez, you're acting like a toddler. It actually sounds like he does like you, when I give him almond tofu he doesn't even look at me, let alone speak to me" My mom said with a giggle, I smiled softly "really" I asked and she nodded before ruffling my hair "now get to work" She said

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