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I haven't got any motivation so I'm basically forcing myself to do this, I'm tired but I'll still update it cause we cool like that 😫

"Anything is a dildo if your brave enough" I said while looking at a cactus "(reader) nO" y/n said as she took away the cactus "you fucker, YOU MOTHERFUCKER I WILL BEJDDJ-" I got cut off by y/n tackling me "nO moRe" y/n's voice cracked "HaH YOUR VOICE CRack- oh" I said as I didn't finish because my voice also cracked "well that's karma, ANYWAYS BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD" y/n yelled out as she choking me (I actually have a choking kink 😫👋) "Choke me harder mommy" I said out of the blue as she stopped and looked at me like: 😦 "Who hurt you?" She questioned

"two people actually-" "NO ONE ASKED YOU AUTHOR" Me and y/n yelled "oh 🥲" (reader) quietly got out of y/n'a grip and snatched the cactus like it was a wig

"I SHALL USE THIS AS A DILDO" I yelled "OH NO YOU DONT" y/n yelled as I ran and somehow got on the roof "Oh shit am I gonna become dazai?" I questioned "BITCH YOU BETTER NOT JUMP OFF, IF YOU DO THEN I WILL ALSO KSJEIEJ NO-" y/n yelled, I accidentally tripped "CATCH ME, I STILL NEED TO GET VENTI-" I yelled out as I grabbed onto y/n's hand, I looked down and saw a pool "IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOO" I suddenly yelled out and let go of her hand and fell into pool and god damn I felt like Shoya Ishida lmao. Anyways I blacked out lol

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