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Not me updating after 5 days lmao

"...HOW IT FEELS TO CHEW 5 GUM" I yelled as yeeted myself off the building because me and y/n are in a new world again 😃 btw we're in my hero academia and 1-B watch me fall off the school "SOMEONE CATCH HER/HIM/THEM" Kendou said "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK- HOW THE FUCK DO I COPY EMO BIRDS FUCKING QUIRK" Kazoo kid yelled "IM COMING FOR YOU BUBBLE" y/n yelled jumping off also, we have been in the world for a few months like 5-6 months "NOT HER ALSO" Testu yelled and we found out that we can't die when we get in a new world and when we get to Attack on Titan i swear I'll protect Sasha, but anyways we reached the ground and felt ULTRA ULTIMATE PAIN 😎 "That shīt hurt 😔" I said "Fucking same, after this wanna steal some candy from a child?" Y/n said "Fuck yeah, i trained for this" I said "Nani 😃" y/n said "... Ignore what I said but after we do that can we steal some 🅱️ucci" I said "AHH SHĪT WHERE ARE WE GOINGIWHEISHEHSJSNEJD" y/n yelled "AH FŪCK WE'RE GOING INTI A DIFFERENT WORLDKDNJSHSKEUSNEISH"

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