[Prologue: Tony Stark needs a Life]

Start from the beginning

"Oh come on Tony, you know he looks up to you, and I know you care a lot about him. You've taken him under your wing, now you have to step up and involve yourself into his life."

He looked away and frowned, the notifications from missed calls still peeked through his phone screen. It was no doubt from either Peter or Happy- but probably both (if he were being realistic).


Peter was more tired than he'd originally thought he was. He wasn't sure what gave it away, maybe it was him falling asleep during all his classes, or maybe just the fact that the bags under his eyes were quite defined. He only stayed up until one in the morning- nothing too bad at all! Sure, he woke up at five in the morning and only got four hours of sleep, but he could blame that on the American school system for making school start so early.

He always believed that being Spider-Man came first. It didn't matter the situation, if someone needed help, he was there to save the day. He'd get in trouble a lot at school for constantly being on his phone looking for any news of mayhem in Queens. Usually there'd be nothing the news stations deemed worthy to report, but he still liked checking anyways. He was quickly falling behind on his schoolwork, he'd kept forgetting to do his homework so he'd try to cram it all in during lunch. It usually didn't end well. He'd already dropped band, and he wanted to drop Decathlon too, so it wasn't like there was much else he could do. Aunt May would Murder him if he even thought about dropping out of high school, so he could be boring Peter Parker during the school hours, and then the wicked-awesome Spider-Man afterwards.

  "Pssst," Ned whispered, he was sitting right next to him. "Are you gonna go to see Tony Stark after school again?"

  Peter nodded, though he hadn't actually asked Mr. Stark if it were alright. Ever since homecoming, the guy had grown used to Peter just stopping by sometimes. It made for an interesting day, plus they both were incredibly smart so they'd bounce ideas off each other.

  "I'm so jealous, I wish I could be you!" Ned looked over at the clock and noticed the time. He put his notes away into a green folder (because chemistry was a science class, which meant that the folder choice was green) and he stuffed it into his bag. "Do you think he'd ever want to meet me one day??"

  "Ah, you know I'm not too sure about that." As nice as Mr. Stark could be, he wasn't a people person. At all. Plus, Ned would just fanboy over him the entire time and that wasn't exactly a fun thing to deal with.

  "Oh, ok. That's fine, I had stuff to do anyways!" Ned smiled and stood up, the bell ringing at the exact same time. "I'll see you tomorrow then!"

  Peter smiled, "Yeah, see you tomorrow!"

  He parted ways with his friend, his mind immediately planning on how his patrol will go. He'd usually follow the same routine of the same areas, but he knew that the criminals would catch on. He had to change it up sometimes, so he wasted no time running out of the school and finding his favorite alleyway. It was one of the only alleyways that nothing ever happens at, he didn't know any exact reasons but he didn't care enough to look into it.

  He opened the front pocket of his bag and pulled out his spider suit, putting it on and hiding his bag on the roof of one of the buildings so that he didn't have to ask for a new one again.

He swung through the city, watching as some people raised their phones to record him. He didn't really mind all that much, usually just meant more publicity. As long as his identity remained hidden, then he was fine.

The time flew by, before he knew it the sun had set and he sat atop one of the buildings in Queens. He stared out at the city, watching as the streets were still as busy as ever. Sometimes he wished he were able to patrol all night, because he knew that crime didn't end when he took the suit off. He wasn't always there to save the day, he wasn't always there for those who needed it. He sighed, taking out his phone and staring at the Lock Screen full of notifications. Ned had texted a few times, even one from MJ asking what he got on a homework problem. Nothing from Tony Stark.

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