16. Lunch at the Bridgerton Estate

Começar do início

  "I was just hoping that you would all be able to get to know Veronica because she means a lot to me. I was hoping that we could forget about the season for once in our lives, I feel as though for the past two years it's been the only thing talked about. I am really sorry alright, I was just trying to make one thing about me and my wants. We all know that this doesn't happen very often," Eloise chokes clearly genuine, "I didn't want Anthony to steal this from me, no matter how selfish I may appear,"

  "Truly it's alright Eloise," Daphne repeats before directing the conversation my way once more, "Maybe we should talk privately later?"

  "S-Sounds lovely," I stutter surprising myself at my loss for words.

  "Perhaps we shall go sit down and eat, I mean what harm could it do now?" Anthony demands setting his glass down on the alcohol tray at the end of the room.

  "Well... fine," Lady Bridgerton regrettably agrees before we all float to the dining room.

  Once in the dining room I politely wait at the entrance, waiting to be told where to sit. As I watch all of the Bridgerton's take their seats I find myself next to Eloise on one of the long sides of the table, Lord Bridgerton himself sat next to my other side at one of the table heads.

  "I do hope you will enjoy our lunch Miss Kingston, I am quite proud of our help, they always seem to prepare the finest meals," Lady Bridgerton smiles as the tension has mostly lifted.

  "I am sure it will be delicious, I am quite excited actually. And if Matilda can help in anyway I am sure she would be happy to," I reply placing my napkin neatly on my lap.

  "So where from up north are you from?" Simon asks trying to start another conversation to help us forget our last.

  "I am actually from Scotland originally but my family has taken pride in educational travel so I have lived in many places throughout my life. I have spent a particularly large portion of my time here, which is why I am in London for the season,"

  "How fascinating," Daphne verbally replies but all I can focus on is the twist in my stomach following the feeling of the Viscounts thirsty stare.

   After minutes of empty conversation (the types of conversations that Eloise seems to hate so much) the food is served and may I add it tastes quite amazing.

  "So Eloise has told me about your impressive education," Anthony starts, trying to carefully get the point across without making me seem extremely improper. Considering he knows the general idea of the extent of my studies he asks about the subject with carful steps.

  "Yes, I actually studied here in the Ton. I was gifted with the opportunity to learn more than the average girl in our time, but with proper limits of course," I carefully reply confused about how to respond to Anthony over this matter.

  "Well isn't that... peculiar," Lady Bridgerton chokes making me feel even worse about myself following my last public experience with her son, "What all did you study?"

  "Literature and language like you would expect, but I also studies of arithmetic and science which seemed to fascinate me even more. Of course I was not allowed to learn and take all of the classes my fellow male classmates were permitted to but even still it was an opportunity I will never forget,"

  "Isn't that just amazing? A woman studying in an equal environment as a man. It's unheard of but thrilling," Eloise cheers, "It makes you wonder about life and how we do not really need spouses to get by,"

  "Eloise, not another one of your anti marriage statements. Not now," Anthony growls taking the opportunity to scold his younger sister from the rest of his family members.

  "May I ask a question that may seem... inappropriate?" I stutter receiving a hesitant nod from Anthony, "Why can't Eloise take a year abroad or something of the sorts? I mean it seems you have other siblings doing so, if Eloise truly isn't ready to wed why force her to? Maybe she truly just needs time,"

  "Because she is a lady, a woman in society and it is her time. You should understand this well Veronica," Lady Bridgerton replies, her voice stern.

  "Oh, of course," I reply feeling bad for my friend.

  "If you must talk about marriage or Veronica and Anthony's relationship in any way, do it now. I think I need a moment to myself. Now excuse me, I shall be right back," Eloise whimpers before dismissing herself.

"Eloise!" Lady Bridgerton calls out to her daughter receiving no reply, "God that girl is going to be the death of me," She whispers to herself before continuing, "Benedict go attend to your sister see if you can cheer her spirits,"

  After a minute of uncomfortable silence Anthony decides to speak, "Well I think I speak for all of us when I say I am very sorry for my little sister's behavior,"

  "No, it's alright. Eloise isn't like other girls and I am glad, because of this  I wasn't expecting this party to be a normal one. I just hope she is alright, I really do care for her," I rebuttal not allowing Eloise's family to apologize for her feelings any longer.

  "Well I will not allow any company a dissatisfactory visit so while we wait for Eloise's return why don't we get to know each other better?" Lady Bridgerton offers desperately trying to change the mood.

  "That sounds lovely," I gracefully reply taking a sip from my wine.

Hello! I just wanted to explain that I am using Daphne and Simon's child from the original book not the show, that is why she is a girl and her name is Amelia. Anyhow now that that is clear I wanted to thank you guys for keeping up with my book! Like always leave any comments and vote to make my day! Thanks I love you guys!

Anthony's Diamond (Anthony Bridgerton Fanfic) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora