To begin this third transformation which is my most natural form of them all, I take a breather, relaxing myself. I then think about all of the good things turning bad. All those horrible memories
I then take in my environment once again and focus on this energy all the animals dying and the freshly bloomed blossoms decaying right in front of me.
I begin to feel neutral, not overly happy or mad. Normal and in control of my emotions.
I see a flash of dark blue or black I couldn't tell them enjoying this form so much more since it's naturally comfier as this was how I died. I am aware that sounds messed up but it's true.
(Imagine the horns are faded into white on the tips)
(Again the wings and horns in the photo, not the clothes)

 (Imagine the horns are faded into white on the tips)(Again the wings and horns in the photo, not the clothes)

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I don't bother to look at pops or his approval as I get ready to transform again.
This would take pure anger and hatred with or an overwhelming amount of happiness or just a mixture usually. I put all of these feelings from my past forms into one attempting to transform but after a while I got a flash of black and white giving me my answer. This form is just a merge of my different forms on each side of my body.
Gotta be honest I love this form as it makes me feel powerful and pretty.
(The wings, horns with a halo just not the clothes or anything else)

Just before pops came over to me, I transformed into my more natural side as it's meant it be there naturally, which explains a persons deed in their lives

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Just before pops came over to me, I transformed into my more natural side as it's meant it be there naturally, which explains a persons deed in their lives. I'm not innocent, especially not to him...but I'm definitely not horrid.
I have decided to just let my wings and horns out, it's less tiring this way, and I could totally use this to cosplay Hawks later.
Then pops had interrupted my thoughts by saying
'Wow you are amazing child, you look beautiful. Before any more compliments do you mind if I ask you a one question'
"Sure go ahead pops"

We teleport to his office and he begins asking questions.
'So my child what causes you to transform if you understand me'
I look at him with a slight smile and telling him that I understood.

"Firstly, you need to understand when a person dies and doesn't manage to cross over to the other side such as myself will have themselves a form of which side they belong to or how they've been in their lives. Although not often people don't move on as they have ulterior motives such as revenge or to simply watch over their love ones. But in cases where it's only happened about a dozen times, the soul can possible attach itself to remnant on an object. This is how I myself am immortal but my soul was split in two as to why possessing two robots. I was gifted with a second chance when dying so I was into half alive and that's why I died fully the second time becoming immortal."
He nodded at me understanding the story noticing me to carry on.

"Okay then as I just explained my natural side is as I like to call it a fallen Angel. This is my natural way to show myself so I don't need any effort or emotions to change.
But since my form is like this I have a good side and a negative side, aka Angel and demon.
To split these part I need to think about either a lot of positives for my Angel and negatives for demon.
On the other hand my combined form is needing an overwhelming source of mixed both emotion that I can't handle or just plain anger is radiating off of me nothing else, it's actually my most powerful form"
'Well you just answered the rest of my questions in one, I'm proud of you y/n your incredibly strong minded and willed'

Flashback end**


I'm currently throwing knifes shooting targets and kicking a punching bag with sweat dripping down my forehead but soon enough I get interrupted by pops:

'Y/n the others will return in the next few hours, since it's pretty late you should get washed up and back to bed for rest and I'll introduce you to them in the morning when everyone is well rested'

"That's fine as long as they can't get into my room or interrupt me sleep or if they do let them know not to or they'll be injured"
I then walked off into the direction of my room and hopped into my bathroom took a long hot bath. After I got out I brushed my hair and teeth then headed to bed, as I was fatigued from going into so many different forms at once.

A few hours had passed and It was currently 1am according to my watch and I had been awoken to some loud shouting and yelling but knew not to leave your room till morning so you decide to listen to them for a while before you headed back to bed.

I was nearly asleep when I heard pops shout which got my attention making me sit back up in bed as I had never heard him shout yet in anger before as faint static filled my vision.

'Will you all SHUT UP'

'Do you not realise how selfish you all are being right now! I understand your tired and you have had a long journey but I HAVE A GUEST in the mansion that's is trying to sleep upstairs and if I find out that she was disturbed by anyone's shouting or arguing in the morning you will all be punished'
I found myself smiling as he defended me against a bunch of strangers and drifted into my dreams.

Dream land**

I was running down a long hallway which looked like it belonged to the back rooms or a hospital but an abandoned one but i was generally okay until I had saw it.
It was through the hall as I passed that I get flashes and previews of the family's deaths.
Their blood was everywhere all over me just like that day....
I can't help but to blame myself for all of their deaths.
Why wasn't I a better person to them.
I had begun to hyperventilate and I stopped in my tracks when I heard an echo though these halls
"y/n I'll come back for you and I'll kill you~~"
I almost immediately recognisable that voice
A shadow figure had emerged from nowhere and started to walk towards you and that shadow was one that I had recognised immediately. It was my father.
"F-father no no no no
NO" I found myself screaming as I sat up tears running down your face
Papa already knew what happened before so he left me alone to think.
With calming thoughts I went back to bed and was woken by pops at...

Edited: August 19th 2022

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