Chapter 1

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What are your final words before you die? I have heard many people say things like " there was so much for me to do" or " if only I had more time to spend with my loved ones"; but not me. I had it down to three nice short words.

"Oh crap baskets" was all I said before the light faded away, all I felt was pain for an instant then nothing, I died on impact. Some may say that they died before their time or I want to go back, but I was ok with being dead. You see I was the type of guy to just go with the flow. I had an average life; nice parents who weren't overbearing or negligent, a good amount friends not to many not to little, decent grades and I went to a public high school. To most I was the average kid, if I was in an anime I would sit in the top far right next to the door. But if there was one thing most didn't know about me, I. was...a....WEEB.

I love all things anime, but I wasn't social about it. In my free time I would happily sit down grab some snacks and watch some anime. Dragon ball z, Bleach, One Piece, and Naruto were my childhood, and out of all of them Naruto was my favorite. The Zero to Hero to Godhood type shonen was and is still my favorite. I'm just sad that I can't rewatch it anymore, but hey heaven and stuff can't wait for that, yay.

Well I guess all I have to do is sit back and wait for God or whoever to bring me to-. I was cut off from my thoughts when a blinding light shined down on me. What Happened, i tried but failed to say. But out of nowhere I hear.

"Congratulations, to your new born boy and girl, what will you name them." what did I just hear, did I get reincarnated. Huh so the Buddhist were right.

"We have already decided Hinata and Hiashtoma" a gentle female voice said I think that's my mom.

"Right Hinata and Hiashtoma Hyuga" a familiar male voice said.

Did I hear that right Hinata and Hiashtoma Hyuga as in the Hyuga clan from Naruto! And that voice it sounds like Hiashi Hyuga. But if he is here and my name along with my suppose twin, either my new parents are die hard Naruto fans or ..


So ya 424 words I guess that is a good start to this series. I hope you all enjoy, please leave comments on your opinion and how to make my writing better. I don't have an upload schedule so please don't blow me up to ask. And finally I didn't make Naruto the credit goes to the genius Masashi Kishimoto. I would also like to thank all of the reborn into Naruto fanfics they gave me the inspiration. Thanks and have a great day.

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