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Types of proxies





Hallowed  those who have been completely  dominated by it And act only upon its will
brainless emotionless drones
Usefull for attacking but otherwise useless

berserker Those who are under its control  but can act of there  own when he can"t be asked to control them  these are far more dangerous than the hallowed  because they can work their  way into positions  of trust
       to further its agenda

Sleepers , those who are under  its control  but do not know it often runners they come into its control when there minds are at the weakest during black outs and while sleeping   it then uses them to attack other runnerd  this is why  sleepers are considerably more dangerous than  berserkers . Berserkers act like there  in control but sleepers do  not know

Agents  who act for it despite not being in control..However their motivations
if they act  upon its  will  but then they are agents  one of the biggest assets is that they have full mental strength , so they can  attack runners in creative ways the tall man  wouldn't even think of

Revenants, Revenants are the most  dangerous they are implemented to be the very few in number and its stated that none of them currently  are 'in the field

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