An idea

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Hermione POV

This is the 3rd year

I cant believe Ron and Harry got mad at me. I mean It's perfectly logical to think that the broom had been cursed.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be popular and not be friends with them. 

I sighed and went to go read on my bed.

"Hi Hermione!" I heard Lavender squeal, walk in the dorm and sit next to me.

"Hi." I said tiredly

"I really hate that Hogwarts doesn't have internet, I got into musicals but now I cant watch any bootlegs because of no WIFI." She sighed.

"Yeah It's a disappointment." I told her. (Remember this is the 3rd year, Hermione does not have a grudge with lavender)

"The only time we really have freedom is summer." She said as she got out a brush and started to brush my hair.

"Your hair is impossibly thick, how do you stand it?" She said as her brush broke.

"I'm used to it." I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair.

"It would be better if you tied it up into a bun or ponytail." She said getting out one of her many hairbands.

I just continued to glumly read my book.

"That's it. What's wrong with you? You seem more gloomy then usual." She said standing up and putting her hands on her hips.  

"Well you know about Sirius black?," I asked her. She nodded. 

"I think he might have sent Harry a cursed broom, so I asked professor McGonagall to check the broom for curses then, they got mad at me because she took away the broom." I ranted.

"I will never understand boys and their brooms." She sighed as the hairband broke

Then Parvati came into the dorm.

"Lavender I was looking for you everywhere! Where were you!?" She said as she went to go sit on her bed.

"Talking to Hermione about boys." She responded.

"W-What no we weren't!" I stammered

"Oh that Harry Potter is really cute." She said taking off her robe

"No I think his friend Ron is cuter." Lavender told her.

"Me and Bella were in the library talking about how it would be nice for Hogwarts to have a talent show." She said as she was taking off her shoes.

"Omg! yes! I would love that!" Lavender said giddily.

"Did they kick you out of the library?" I asked Parvati.

"Oh yeah they said "We were talking to loud"." She said shrugging her shoulders.

"Hey Hermione where's your adorable cat?" Lavender asked me. Yeah,where was Crookshanks I haven't seen him all day...........

"I don't really know." I told her.

"I'm sure he'll pop up someone." Lavender said as she took out her nail polish.

"Now about the talent show, Maybe we should have a karaoke night." Parvati said getting the pink nail polish.

"Oooh I can sing really well." Lavender said proudly.

"I've never really tried singing." I told them.

"Sing a song for us!" Lavender said excitedly.

"No I cant-Wow look at the time we should go to sleep." I said pretending to look at a watch.

"It's barely 8:01." Lavender said trying not to get paint on her skin.

"Well I'm going to sleep!" I said stubbornly as I put a blanket over my head to block the light.

"With your clothes on?" Parvati asked.

"Yes with my clothes on!" I said as I layed on my pillow.

"Are you sure you don't want to paint your nails?" Lavender asked.

"Fine." I groaned as I went to get the blue nail polish.

"Yay!" Lavender said as she went to help me.

As I painted my nails, I wonder what would it be like if Hogwarts had a talent show. Maybe people might actually notice me. But of course because of Sirius Black it might be possible, but still maybe I should go talk to Professor McGonagall................

(I don't own this amazing art. Please vote share and comment! Also sorry if they are too OOC they don't have much book time so I tried to imagen what they are like.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2021 ⏰

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