Cellphone Repair

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     I really had tried my best to forget what happened in Advisory.  

     A few days had passed, and I sill hadn't seen him. It made sense, I only had that one class with him and I had only needed it to fix my schedule. It still confused me, though. Who kisses someone, twice, then avoids them? He could at least explain himself.

     ...I guess I was one to talk, breaking into his dorm room on impulse like that.

     It was becoming clear that if I wanted to see him, I'd have to make the first steps. I would go to his dorm, as a friend. Friends do that, right? I'd gone to Charlie and Gorges rooms before, this was no different. 

     Plus, I had to return his bracelet. I'm sure he'd been missing it. I re-examined it, turning the little black band in my hand. There were letters on it, CDR CO. 

     Well, I new the CO. stood for company. I didn't know why he would have company merchandise though. All the more reason to see him, to ask him all about his strange personality.

     However, it was something that would have to be put off until later. My teachers had no regard for new students like me, and really packed on the homework. I had at least three hours ahead of me. I guess this was the price of going to an elite school; the long nights of endless studying.

     I plugged in my headphones, unpacking the papers from my bag onto my bed. I had to get a desk in here, the comfortable bed didn't exactly help me stay awake. As such, I fell asleep halfway through. 

     The next day, I woke up too tiny pattering sounds outside the window. The sun didn't shine in my eyes like it usually did, so I went to open the curtains. It was pouring outside. I saw boys with running around the campus, trying not to get soaked. I smiled, and got up to get dressed. 

     I loved rainy days. It felt like the whole world was slowing down to give me a big hug, and it felt a lot more comfortable than sunny days. 

     It was Saturday, so I decided to go out into town. My phone wasn't charging correctly the last few days, so I would get a new charger. I also needed some textbooks, a couple sweaters for upcoming winter and a rug for my room. 

     I got my bag, and registered to leave the school grounds. 

     It was raining a lot harder than I'd expected, so I was glad I brought my umbrella. The streets were full of people, hustling to their next location. I went to the phone repair shop first, assuming that was the most important thing to fix.

     The store had lots of phones on display, including the newest models. Maybe I should've just bought a new one? I didn't have much need for my phone besides communication, and it would be nice if Charlie stopped teasing me for my old phone. 

     On second thought, I liked the phone I had now. I wouldn't regret fixing it. I entered the shop, and I was immediately met by a worker. 

     "Welcome to Cellphone Data Repair. How may we help you, Sir?" Says the worker. 

     "Thank you very much. Would you mind taking a look at my phone? It doesn't charge correctly and at first I thought it was the cord, but now I don't know." I say, taking out my phone and showing it to him.

     "Oh, you have a very old model, Sir." He says, as if that's the problem. 

     "Is getting a new version really the best option?" I sigh. 

     "Yes, of course! This one is old and doesn't have very good data space, but if you'd look to your left to the ones displayed on this shelf..." He continued to talk about the 'amazing' sale prices and how I was lucky to get the discounts he offered me. 

     In the end, I just decided to get my old phone fixed. I spent thirty minutes there, and twenty were of him talking about more things I should buy. I refused them all of course, and he had looked defeated. 

     "Here's your bag, Sir." He says, handing me a black bag with my phone inside. I stared at the bag he handed me, thinking it seemed rather familiar. 

     "Is something wrong?" The worker asked as I rummaged around in my pockets. I pulled out the bracelet from inside my coat pocket. 

     "CDR..." I murmur, comparing the bracelet and the bag. The design was a bit different, but it was way too similar. 

     The worker gasped, looking at the bracelet. "Woah, how did you get one of those?" 

     I look at him, surprised. "Is this strange?"

     He staggered over to me with a shocked look on his face. "Well of course they're rare! There were only 50 of them made, ever! That's the old model, too. To get that you'd have to be really important to the CEO of the entire company!"

     "S-So it's a big deal then." I say, backing up. This employee was strange. 

     "I mean, it's a world-wide company. It's the place you go to when you've broken your phone or need it fixed!" He says, admiring the bracelet. 

     Then why would Axel have it? Besides, 50 items of merchandise was basically nothing. How did he manage to get his hands on it?

     Another thing I'd have to ask when I saw him, I guess. 

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