Chapter 1

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I sighed heavily as I stared out at the moon, curled up in a ball on my comfortable window seat. The night sky was littered with thousands of twinkling stars, the bright shine of the moon outdoing them all. The light breeze played with my long caramel waves and I moved my hair out of my face in order to get a better view. It had been a hard day, I had almost been caught manipulating the elements twice at school. Once in the bathroom to stop a broken tap and once as I approached my car, in order to deter the storm away from me. I discovered that I had special 'abilities' years ago, when I was only six years old. 


I was at the local mall with my mother, picking out all sorts of toys and clothes that I just couldn't live without. My bright blonde hair was pulled up into pig-tails, secured with pretty pink bows and swayed with every step. I wore my favourite white lace dress with pretty frills lining my shoulders. I felt very pretty and was having a good day. As we began to approach the register a beautiful doll with large blue eyes and a beautiful pink satin dress caught my eye. I was jealous of the smooth pink fabric the doll wore and impulsively ran over to it and brought it to my mother with pleading eyes. 

"No Allura", my mum stated. "You already have three other toys in the basket. Now put that back where you found it".

I was very disappointed. I had never seen a doll quite as beautiful as this one before. I slowly began to cry, my tantrum growing louder and more dramatic the more my mother insisted upon 'no'. Suddenly, water began to fall from the roof of the store. Many customers assumed that a pipe had burst, not fully comprehending the presence of clouds and the clapping of thunder inside. 

As my cries grew, so did the storm. Expanding through the isles, thunder growing louder with small bolts of lightning shooting through the gaps in the shelves. My mother was oblivious to any correlation between me and the storm, she simply picked me up, calmed me down and led me out to the car. I clutched my new doll in my small, greedy hands and sighed happily. I slept the rest of the way home. 


I didn't realise it then but that was a manifestation of my water/air ability. As I matured, I learnt to have control over my elemental abilities, not letting my emotions control them as much. I still slip up from time to time, but mostly I have them in check. 

My mother never mentioned anything to me about my abilities. Neither did my father or younger brother Noah. I always assumed they didn't know anything about it, now that I'm seventeen, I know they have no clue. There have been too many instances where they could have guessed or asked but to this day they remain oblivious. I didn't know too much about my abilities either, only what I discovered through trial and error. All I knew was that I had to keep it a secret - from everyone. This was why I didn't have many friends. Or any at all really.

I do have enemies though, well rather, an enemy. Just the one, Jayden Ross. Even thinking his name makes my blood boil, a small wind starts blowing through my room and I take a few deep breaths to calm down. The wind stops.

I know I'm supposed to say that 'i can't remember when it all started' or something, but I remember exactly. The exact day that ended with my blinding hatred of him. You see, we had lived next door to the Ross family for nearly ten years now, they moved to town shortly after the indoor storm incident. We were actually close friends for a long time, Jayden and I. We used to play games all day, go swimming, alternating between each other's houses. I used to bake with his mum all of the time too, she was a sweet single mother that always made time for me. My own mother never had the patience for that. She was always busy with work, so was my father. They owned a real estate business together and seemed to never take time off. Noah and I spent a lot of time at Jayden's house because of this. His mum would look after us while we played all day and Noah spent time with Jayden's baby sister, Rosalie. 

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