"Thank you then."

He grunted.

"Did you think I was gonna die?"

"You were literally gray and purple. Yes of course I thought you would die."

"Don't worry about me." I scooted closer to the fire, my arms feeling like ice.

"You can't ask me not to worry about you when you're always getting into dangerous situations. Jesus, it's been a few weeks Cyra. This can't keep happening."

"You mean the worrying thing, the danger thing, or you hiding your true feelings for me thing."

"Shut up." He squinted at me then closed his eyes again.

"I'm messing with you. Fine, train me then. That's what I'm here for. To help you on your mission for the stone."

"Honestly, I don't know why I'm the leader here. Why do people think I'm good at diplomacy? I started a war..AND the other war." He rubbed his head.

"You are a screw up, no doubt. But the best people are too."

I rolled over and looked at the fire, watching it dance. Knox scooted closer to me and sat, leaning on the bricks of the fireplace. I raised my hands, holding them close to the fire, but nothing seemed to warm them. Suddenly, Knox jerked my hand into both of his, clasping them over mine. I tried to tug them away but he just grunted, tugging back.

"Stop I'm trying to warm them stupid."

I stop resisting and laid there, my arm taken by Knox. I looked up at the ceiling, letting his warm and gentle hands thaw my frozen ones and gently rubbing them until they were hot. Even then he didn't let go, and I was okay with that.

I woke up to allowed droning noise. My face felt wet. When I opened my eyes, Esteria was above me, blowing raspberries in my face. I swatted her away and rubbed off the drizzle of spit. She let out a snort.

"Come on sleepy head. We need to move out of here. I already moved your things."

"Go where?" I asked, folding the blankets neatly. Esteria bent down and messed them all up when she grabbed them. Ack.

"Since you practically caused a huge scene with flying off a building with a bunch of thugs chasing after you, Knox decided to relocate back home. I was sick of this place anyway, we only came here to find you."

Other place? I followed Esteria to the door that leads to everywhere. She gave the place one last look as shoved me through. We appeared outside, at the
Pillar Gazebo.

"Come on, right through here." She pushed passed some bushes that revealed a worn down path. This wasn't New York obviously. It was like the place me and Knox were at. The forest smelt damp and pollinated. We shoved through vines and brush until we came to a fork. The left of the path curved off into a shaded part of the forest, the vines twisting up every tree, getting thicker and thicker as they went. The right side was the same way, but darker. Esteria causally took a left, and we treaded on for another 10 minutes.
When I caught sight of the Shrine, I held my breath. It was a classic Japansese style mansion. The shrine in New York barely half the size of the home behind it. A small Koi pond laid under a sturdy oak bridge. Esteria didn't stop when I did, she crossed the bridge like she's done it a thousand times, and into the front door. I ran to catch up with her. Knox was at the door, wearing his usual tigh black jeans and white button down shirt. When I got to the door, he leaned on the frame.

"Quick warning...Once you're here, you're here. I will be treating you the same as everyone else. Don't think I'm being mean because I'm not. I don't favor anyone. Not even my girlfriend."

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