Mr. Clumsy

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You and Seb had been dating for about two years and you had moved in to his house in Switzerland since your first anniversary with him. Every day, you couldn't stop admiring his big, classic house.

Seb was on his way from the airport in Zürich to his house after he had a flight from England. He had attended his first ever car launch with his new team, Aston Martin, and also done the shakedown at Silverstone circuit a day after.

As you thought that he was going to arrive soon, you walked in to the kitchen, preparing to cook for dinner. He had told you before that he wanted to eat something simple. So, creamy tomato soup was the one you chose.

You only needed half an hour to prepare it. You smiled proudly as you smelled your cooking. Then, you looked at the clock on the wall. You believed that he was going to arrive soon.

You had finished cooking but he still hadn't arrived. So, you decided to wait for him in the living room and checked on your Instagram. You smiled when you saw a photo of Seb wearing a beanie that was posted by a fan page account.

 You smiled when you saw a photo of Seb wearing a beanie that was posted by a fan page account

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His twinkle eyes said a lot. He looked so much happier after moving to the Silverstone-based team. New environment, new people, new car, but hopefully his old strength would be back.

You could hear the sound of a car parking in front of the house. It was none other than Seb. You quickly opened the front door for him.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" Seb greeted you after he got out of his Jeep Cherokee car that he parked at the short term airport parking while he was in England.

"Hi, Seb!"

As he'd missed you a lot, he quickly approached you. But you walked backwards, which made him surprised. "Why?"

"Remember, Seb. You should wash your hand, or take a bath rather, and change your clothes first," you reminded him.

"Ah yeah, I'm sorry. Come on!" Seb said before he locked his car and walked past you.

You just shook your head as he walked empty-handed. "Seb?"


"Where are your suitcase and backpack?" you asked while crossing your arms.

He patted his forehead. "God! I forgot."

Seb walked back to his car and opened the boot of his Jeep. He took his bags out and brought it to his house. You offered help but he refused it politely.

While he was taking a bath, you were preparing the soup for both of you. You served it on the dining table and you heard that he was walking towards the dining room, looking fresh after showering and wearing clean clothes.

He brought his water bottle that he usually put in his backpack as he wanted to wash it later. He put it on the table. "(Y/N), can I hug and kiss you now? I swear that I've showered. I-"

"I know, Seb."

As you were approaching him, he grabbed you on your waist to bring you closer to him. He started connecting his lips with yours and you hugged him so tight as he deepened the kiss.

He was intoxicated with your kiss. But it didn't last longer as you heard a sound which surprised you. "What was that?" you asked.

Both you and Seb saw his water bottle rolling over. Then, when you looked at him, he grinned. "I'm sorry. I accidentally nudged it."

"My clumsy man. Why didn't you put it in the sink first before you talked to me?"

"I couldn't wait to kiss you, my lady."

You chuckled to hear his explanation. "Take it and leave it there. I will wash it later."

Seb took his bottle on the floor and left it in the sink. Then, both of you were having dinner and he talked about his activities while he was in England.


On the following day, you and Seb had some free time. So, both of you decided to clean up the house together. He went to the shed as he wanted to take a vacuum cleaner to clean all the carpets that he used at home. While, you prepared a string mop and a bucket that had been filled with water and cleaning detergent to mop the floor.

You started mopping from the guest room. You hummed as you were playing one of your favourite songs on your phone that was put on a table. Then, you found some stubborn spots. You tried to rub back and forth, but you still couldn't clean it.

As you needed Seb's help, you called him. "Seb? Where are you?"

"In the living room!" he answered.

"Erm, can you come over here for a moment?" you asked him.

"Okay, wait!"

You held the mop while waiting for Seb to come. You smiled when your boyfriend appeared. "Seb, can you please help me to clean some tough spots there?" you said while pointing out to those spots.

"Sure, my lady." When he was approaching you, he slipped on the floor that hadn't dried completely. "Shit!"

You bit your tongue as you tried to hold your laugh. You felt sorry for him, but at the same time, you always found it funny to see his clumsiness. "Seb, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." He put his hand on his chest as his heart was still beating so fast. Then, he looked at you who smiled slightly. "I know that you found it very funny. Why didn't you just laugh at me?"

"No! I... I didn't want to laugh at you," you said, while your (Y/E/C) eyes were trying to avoid eye contact with him.

Seb walked until he stood in front of you. "Don't lie, (Y/N)," he smirked.

"No! It's just that... you need to enter the pit stop and change into intermediate tyres as the track is very slippery," you joked.

He nodded. "Ah yeah, you're right, my strategist."

Without you knowing, he started tickling your waist. You screamed as you were always so ticklish. You begged him to stop. "Seb, stop! I didn't ask you to tickle me. I need your help to clean the tough spots."

"Okay, okay. I forgive you this time," Seb said while laughing.

He knew your weakness and he was always happy to do that. He was always proud, like winning a competition, when he tickled you until you ran out of breath.

While he was cleaning the stubborn spots on the floor, you said, "I love you, my clumsy man."


*(Y/N): Your name
**(Y/E/C): Your eye colour


Author's note: So, here's my first ever one shot! What do you think about it? I'd love to hear something from you❤️

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