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" yeo sang hyung! Are you going back home with us?" yeosang look at Taehyun beside him.

He chew and shallow a strawberry he have bite before answer. " i don't think so.... Today I have to stay a little longer since I am taking viola classes with Miss Jung..."

Taehyun hear that and pout look like plan him to drag yeosang to his house fail.

" i love miss Jung!! She teach me history and show us video of how dinosaurs die!! " taehyun cherr but second after that he sigh loudly " how could i forget i have math after this "

" i need to face that bitch-" taehyun nearly choke when yeosang shove a strawberry into his mouth.

" Who taught you cursing?! I never expect those word from you" yeosang scold him, taehyun just munch the berry and pout.

"we will never see her again!" yeonjun and soobin come to them. Taehyun happily run and jump into soobin hug.

They sit at the bench afornt yeosang looking lovey dovey.

" why are you all like this im jealous!" yeosang pout still muncing on his strawberry.

" i dont know you bit i know those alpha really like looking at you,~" yeonjun tease as thry look behind yeosang at thr few table a far theres a group of alpha staring at him.

Yeosang feel shiver down his spine and duck his head away blushing. It just he really dont like those attention especially from alpha it make him feel so small.

" And about Miss Malice, I am proud of what you have done and finally she got kicked from this school " soobin said before taking a bite on his ice cream sandwich.

Taehyun and Yeonjun get their jaws dropped while in awe loudly.

Yeosang just gave a small smile (sounds weird) and before he could bite another strawberry someone came and stole the strawberry from his hand.

He looks at the person and it's San who runs away with his precious strawberry. When he turns his head back looking at tae-yeo-bin, he's got a surprise kiss from wooyoung.

What makes him more surprised is the kiss nearly placed on his lips makes him show a bright red shook face.

Wooyoung just smiles sweetly before following san.

"you better pick up your things from the table malice i give you until this evening to pack everything" the headmaster let she out from the room as she now angrily walk to her table.

" dirty little rat! I will not leave this place until i get my revenger" she growled as a few students got scared and ran far away from her.

She was cursing those two child in her mind until she heard something from the hallways to the garden.

She walked to the garden and saw a few girls boys was throwing food and drink to fat girls now on her knee .

"Hey, what are you doing!?" the kids stop as the fat little girls pick up herself and run to the opposite ways.

Miss malice near them. "Don't you just get kicked by that fat old man?" one of the boys said.

"I don't care if I get kicked. I just want my revenge and I want your help" the group looked at each other before one girl speak.

"who?" malice starts to smile evilly "i want you to get that rat's twin" "you mean wooyoung and that new kids?" she nods.

"wooyoung is hard to fool him since he always be with his mate" " yeosang also always be protected"

They get silence before look at behind then when a short dark blue hair girl nearing them.

"I hear he plays biola.."

" okay class! Dismiss!" the teacher said before walking out of the classroom.

"yeo lets go! Im hungrwy~~" wooyoung whined while cliggy on his right arm.

"nwo~~~ I have one more class today when I get home. I will give you some show! Okay?" (i don't know why its sound so weird)

"owkey~~ so see you later!" wooyoung wave before running out from the class. Yeosang packs the last thing to his back and walks out of the class and to the music room.

He walks in but no one is in the room. He looks at his watch and he early 15 minute, he walks to one of the tables and sits down and decides to take a short nap.

And how incredible, when he woke up the room was dark and even the windows were shut.

He looked around no one in that room, only him, alone.

He feels his throat get tight and his breath gets faster. It's dark and that is not okay.

He takes his bag clumsily and runs to the door to try to open it but he can't! Like he has been locked in a dark room, alone.

He opened his bag and took a touch light. He hit it a little bit and turned it on, he lit the room and ran to the other door, trying to open it still he failed.

Someone locked him.

He holds the light to his watch and it's like almost 4 pm ! He was supposed to be home at 2 !.

He knocks on the door and yells hoping someone hears him. "HELLO ?! HELP ME!! CAN'T YOU HEAR ME!!"

No, no one hears him.

A tear already flowed down his cheek, he kept knocking on the door until he felt a huge pain from his lower part and he collapsed to the floor.

He felt hot and his breath was uncontrollable. In that state after a half an hour he cant take the pain anymore with the strong fear and panic attacks he chose to pass out hoping in his dear lift someone takes him out from this nightmare. Hoping all this was just a nightmare.

Sike... he didn't know a small yet sharp eyes was watching him from the beginning.

"He looks so hopeless," the person on the other side laughs, feeling full of dark happiness.

"we just locked him and he already fell to the ground" the other behind the person also full of laughter looking at a small helpless doll trapped inside its own dollhouse with no way out.

"because of you i got this shitty burse!" the person slowly touches her now pale purple area at her side of lips.

Because of these little mice, her precious friendship broke just like that.

I don't want you just to press your brain so the person is not other than Choi Ryujin and when wooyoung said he got out early? Yes, he goes to Yeonjun house and have a friendly talk or maybe a few punch before leaving.

" let's go home guys '' ryujin said shut her laptop and walk out. They still at the school but they sit at the garden and watching the little mice through her mini cctv the others put inside when yeosang is sleep.

" how about him? Are we going to leave him like that? What if someone found him?!" "why are you so scared he didn't even know we are the one who did it and the first person who will get caught is that crazy woman! Now if you guys want to follow her to jail too then stay here!" she yell before walk away



Sould i deleted the 'nothing' chapter??

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