chapter 22

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izuku pov

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

that hurts like hell, god damn it, curse not getting injured so severely that my pain tolerance has gone down.

AND now im tired, hungry and without anyone to even remotely trust. its clear that their only priority is to capture me, eraserhead included, which means even if I ever need backup I now have no one.

maybe its better this way.

at least I realised this now instead of later, that could've gotten messy.

its still light, the sun was setting and it wouldnt be dark enough for me to feel comfortable for another 15 minutes in my civilian outfit which makes hiding my bleeding way more difficult, luckily I decided to wear a black t-shirt for my civilian clothes so once it gets dark enough it won't be so hard to hide, I at least had that going for me, lets ignore the seething pain in my shoulder and how strongly I am having to resist collapsing as I walk to my house as I tell you about how glad I am that I have a black t-shirt on!

I knew I wasnt going to make it home, the blood loss was already too much and I had a mile to go before I reached home, so I done the only other logical thing and went to the only person I trusted currently, one who quite literally saved my life.

yes its a very bad idea considering who also lives there but its the only option where im not going to bleed out on the street because im pretty sure I ripped my bandage so its doing nothing for my arm right now.

it wasnt far and closer than my house so I turned back and started making my way to the Todoroki residence, I hope im not making a mistake to trust him...

Todoroki pov

i was sitting in my room reading a book when i heard a patter outside my window. 'must be the raccoons again, hope enji doesn't catch them' i though and returned to my reading but i was once again distracted by a noise exept this time it sounded like a rock or some bark off the tree being thrown at my window.

i got up from my position on my bed and looked out to see only the darkness. i looked around suspiciously until the sound of tapping on wood caught my attention, i looked down to see someone leaning against the tree.

i squinted to make out who it was and let out a breathless gasp once i saw my friend -if i can even call myself his friend considering i know almost nothing about him- limp against the tree he used to hide medical supplies in, trembling from the strain of probably walking here

this is the first time he ever has shown up at my house specifically needing help and i was horrified, thankful he trusted me enough with him being a vigalante and all but still horrified nonetheless.

i knew my dad wasnt due back from his patrol for a few hours so i quickly abandoned my book, probably losing the page but thats not important, and ran down to him. natsuo shot me a confused look as i rushed through the living room but made no attempt to follow me, fiyumi was currently in her room sorting out her lesson for tomorrow for her students luckily because she would've undoubtedly followed after me.

i crouched down in front of him and he weakly gave me a thumbs up before speaking.

"hey Todoroki, sorry for bothering you but i have no idea who else i could go to and ive used up all my bandages, i would've bled out before i got home."

i just nodded, a strike of pride in me when he basically told me he trusted me but i instantly got to trying to stop him from bleading out in my back garden within a nanosecond of that feeling.

"im going to have to take you inside, its too dark. i must warn you natsuo is in the dining room."

"its fine, i trust him... enough anyway, id rather not bleed out aha" his humour was still dry but at least i had the impulse i knew back.

heart of a hero (vigilante deku AU) ((on hiatus))Where stories live. Discover now