16. concrete

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A/n: I'm gonna break people's hearts in the next few chapters.

Rin finally screwed up the courage to ask Oikawa to go out with her on a date

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Rin finally screwed up the courage to ask Oikawa to go out with her on a date. 

It was very out of the blue, and you found out not through your friend, but by the young man in question, when he came barreling over to you at lunch, and you suddenly had a six foot tall high schooler clinging to you.

“(Y/n)-chan!” he cried out, shaking you intensely, “Your friend Rin asked me out on a date! I didn’t know what to say, so I just said I’ll think about it! What should I do?!”

After you finally took in his words, you grabbed his arms, and stopped him from knocking you about like a rag doll. ”W-Well,” you began shakily, blinking rapidly, “that’s not a bad thing, is it? You said so yourself that she was cute.”

“I know! I know, but…” he trailed off, and pouted, rubbing the back of his head. “I’m a bit nervous.”

You burst into laughter, prodding his arm tauntingly, “Oh, what do we have here? The Great King, nervous!” you mocked.

“Shut up!” Oikawa huffed, shoving you playfully. “And even if I do… I want her to understand that she won’t be my main priority. Volleyball will always be at the top of my list.”

A couple of things ran through your mind; Rin was incredibly clingy, and needed constant validation and compliments. But if this supposed ‘love’ she had for Oikawa was that strong, perhaps she could bear not going out with him all the time, and give him the space he needed to practice. Maybe it would work out.

“Ok,” you decided, “how about this. Go out with her on the date, but… uhm… to make it more comfortable, I’ll come with another friend. It can be a double date kind of thing, I guess.”

“You have another friend?” Oikawa questioned blankly.

You scowled, “Yeah. Karasuma, remember? He’s literally in our class.”

“Oh, Sosuke-chan!” Oikawa exclaimed, “I get it. You two would be cute together,” he winked; his comment made you somehow even more irked.

“We are friends,” you repeated, folding your arms. “I may be bi/pan, but that doesn’t mean I’m attracted to everyone I meet. Get that into your head.”

“I’m not that surprised,” Oikawa poked your forehead, “for a romantic, your heart seems to be very closed off.”

“First of all, fictional people tend to be much nicer than real life humans,” you held up one finger, before holding up a second one, effectively creating a peace sign. “Secondly, who asked you?”

Oikawa blinked, before grinning, and mirroring your hand gesture. “Whatever you say, (Y/n)-chan!”


Karasuma actually agreed to the whole date ordeal, and Rin was overjoyed that you’d be nearby to help her out, although you were dreading it. Seeing Rin and Oikawa together, watching them giggle and be all lovey dovey with each other… it made you sick to your stomach.

Though, like the brave woman Angelica Schyler said herself, you needed to be satisfied, and realise the three fundamental truths.

You were better than this. You were being a good friend to both of them by getting them together. What did you have to complain about? Your own needs weren’t important right now. You had a duty to perform by being a good person, and putting other people’s feelings and needs before your own.

What the fuck, this was Hamilton incarnate.

Wait, did that mean Oikawa would cheat on Rin?

You choked on your own spit at the thought, alerting Karasuma, who was next to you, as you made your way towards the restaurant you four were supposed to meet. “Are you ok?” he questioned, patting your back, as you coughed.

“Yup,” you wheezed, “just… nervous.”

“But you know Oikawa, don’t you?” Karasuma asked, “And everyone knows you’re best friends with Rin.”

“But this is a date! Between the both of them!” you argued.

Karasuma blinked, and then said out loud what you’d been refusing to acknowledge for quite some time now; “You like Oikawa.”

Again, you choked aggressively, and Karasuma awkwardly helped you onto a nearby bench so you could catch your breath and not die on the pavement. “I do not,” you proclaimed defensively, once you’d stopped wheezing.

“You do,” Karasuma replied without missing a beat. “Whenever you’re around you, you get all awkward and nervous, although… maybe that’s normal for you,” he chuckled slightly. “But honestly, you treat him very differently from how you treat me. And we’re friends. I don’t think Rin has figured it out, though.”

“Of course she hasn’t!” you exclaimed, “She thinks I’m waiting on her foot and hand all the time, and incapable of getting in between her goals, that’s why!” you released a frustrated sigh, and squeezed your eyes shut. “I wish I didn’t like him,” you mumbled, “he deserves better.”

“And better is Rin?” your friend asked, frowning. “You and I both know Rin is a bitch.”

For the third time, you hacked violently, which made Karasuma sit down next to you, and rub your back. Once you’d recovered, you tugged at the collar of your shirt, and scowled. “You’re not wrong. But I don’t know how to get away from her, or how to stop myself from doing this.”

Karasuma paused, before exhaling. “I can’t stop you from doing this, since I know you’re somehow indebted to Rin. But honestly, once you’ve had enough, then you can stick with me. You do know I’ve always wanted to be friends with you, right?”

“Really?” you stammered glancing up at him.

“Yup,” he smiled bashfully, “I was just always scared to approach you because you and Rin were always attached at the hip. And Rin scares the absolute shit out of me.”

You laughed slightly. “That’s a valid excuse. I’m terrified of her as well.”

The both of you shared a laugh, and for a moment, you considered the possibility that Karasuma might make this fuck up of a day better than you’d percieved it to be.

The Storyteller (Oikawa Tooru x reader)Where stories live. Discover now