Come Back- 6

Beginne am Anfang

I rushed out the door like my life depended on it and ran out the gates like an Olympian.

Mum would track my car down anyway; I didnt bring my phone as well. She can track me all she wants but she won't find me.

I clutched my most prized possession to my chest as I ran towards freedom, not bothering to look both ways before crossing.


I don't know how far I ran or went, I knew only one thing. I was away from my mother and her fucked up attitude.

I was finally free.

I looked around me and realized I ended up in Seoul Park.

I supported my weight by holding a pole but I was sweating so my hand slipped.

I was absolutely sure that I'd fall to the floor but this person caught me before I could fall.

I was feeling weak so I could see their face, mostly because I was facing the ground.

"Are you alright, Miss?" It was a girl and I was glad about it for some reason.

She helped me stand straight and I finally saw her face. Her eyes were what really stood out. They potrayed her to be a truly honest and sincere person so I told myself to trust her.

"Yes, thank you" I told her and she nodded.

"Hold onto my hand, I'll take you to the bench so you can sit down" She told me and I nodded.

In a few minutes, she brought me to the bench just as she said and she helped me sit down.

"Thank you" I breathed.

"Don't mention it. Wait here, I'll get you some water" She said and before I could reply, she was gone.

She didn't waste time in coming back with bottled water and a chicken sandwich.

I love chicken...

"How do you know I love chicken?"

"It was a lucky guess, I guess?" She suggested and gave me what she bought.

Well, even if I die I'll find solace atleast.

I ate up and relaxed on the bench, feeling stronger.

"Are you feeling better now?"

"Yes, thank you so much. I really appreciate what you've done for me. I'm Jisoo" I offered her a handshake.

"I'm Mika" She shook my hand with a warm smile.

"Nice name, Mika"

"Thanks" She barely finished saying the word when her phone beeped.

"Oh, I'm sorry but I have to leave now Jisoo unnie" She stood up hastily.

"It's okay. Thanks for helping me, again" I smiled a bit. "I hope we can meet again someday, Mika"

"Me too unnie. Bye" She gave me a quick hug and ran off, leaving me all alone in the company of my memories except I'm not alone when I'm with these memories. I feel complete and more alive whenever I'm going through these photographs, they mean the world to me and I'll always cherish them no matter what.

"And I'll never stop loving you.. ever" I caressed the picture and smiled at it.


Jisoo had fallen asleep on the bench without realising it and she was completely alone in the park, clutching a photo album to her chest.

But that was about to change soon.

Two cops walked into the park in order to check things out.

They noticed Jisoo sleepinng on the bench and they walked over to her.

"I think she's asleep"

"Of course she's asleep, don't you see her breathing?" The superior cop said but his partner was already getting an idea.

"Hey, since she's asleep, why don't we..?" He wiggled his eyebrows at his superior.

"You're right. No one will ever know. And if she becomes a problem, we can just kill her"

Jisoo's POV....
I'm not asleep anymore. I heard everything those policemen said. I can't believe they walk around the streets of Seoul with South Korean flags on their uniform...

But I can't let them do what they want to.

"Hey, what's she holding?"

"I dunno. Let's s take it, maybe there's money in it. It does look precious"

I opened one of my eyes slightly and saw one of the policemen reaching out with his creepy eyes on me, about to take my photo album but I stepped on his foot, stood up and kicked him in between his lower ribs and his upper hip then ran away.

"HEY! Catch her, we can't let her escape!" One of them yelled in Korean and they both began chasing me.

Oh my God... what kind of a mess have I gotten myself into?


"Are you sure you don't want me or Jimin to get it for you?" Lisa asked me as I grabbed my car keys.

"No, I'm good. I need to get some fresh air anyway" I told her and walked away.

I got into my car and brought out my last picture of Jisoo.

I brought it to my face and kissed it then smiled at it.

You'll always remain in my heart Kim Jisoo... forever.


I was still running from the cops when my photo album fell down.

"No!" I quickly went back to get it but the cop held my hand.

"Come here!" The other one was catching up to us and I wasted no time in kicking the one holding me captive in the balls.

He screamed in pain and I picked up a medium sized rock and threw it at the one that was still running.

It hit him in the head and he fell down.
I didn't take a second glance at them before running away.

I didn't realise that I had gotten onto the busy main road.

A car was driving towards me but it was too late to do anything. Before I could think of the safest thing to do, I passed out due to both fear and nervousness.


I was driving at a safe, my attention torn between my driving and my life, mostly Jisoo.

I suddenly slammed the brakes, hard. I almost hit someone, I'm so careless.

But I stopped everything I was doing at once as soon as I noticed the girl holding her head.

"Jisoo? Jisoo!" I quickly took off my seatbelt and rushed to her, catching her just before she fell down.

"Jisoo? What's wrong with you? Jisoo?" I tapped her cheek but there was no response.

I looked around but the only thing I saw was two busies running away. I wonder what their deals are.

I looked down at Jisoo. A small crowd was now gathered around us, getting bigger by the second.

Atleast she's safe with me.

I picked her up in my arms and took her to my car, laying her down in the backseat.

I got in the car myself and drove off.

One thing was for sure, I couldn't take her to my house.

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