the meet\part two\kaminari's p.o.v

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kaminari p.o.v

as i go to leave the den baku stops me "where do you think you're going!?" he barks at me. "for a walk..." I say sheepishly. his face softens " fine be back by dark be careful out there....please?" he says in a caring voice "of course!" i say happily running off.


On my walk I find a very handsome man well actually he seemed like he was around my age mabey 17? that was one year older that me but was tall so he had to be older than me but then again i am really shot for my age. On the other hand he was tall, had messy hair like he hadn't brushed it yet that day or well ever, has hair was a indigo purple color, he was wearing a black hoodie, blue jeans, and black sneakers. 

while i was thinking he had noticed me so i hid in a bush but his eyes look so tired and they were the same color as his hair but somehow lighter as if they were glowing i knew that mine did sometimes but did his?it would seem like it. once he continued his walk i did too it was late and dark if he stayed out any longer bakugou would get mad at me but a few seconds after I started home I heard the man yell it seemed like he was in pain so i turned around and ran towards where i heard the scream come from.

I saw a wolf on him so i tackled the wolf. Me and the wolf  wrestled til i had finally got it by the throat i took the opportunity and killed it by biting down as hard as i could and jerked my head away thus ripping out the wolf's throat.

after i took care of the wolf i ran towards the man that lay on the ground. I picked him up a carried the man back to the den. when i got in everyone was asleep so i quickly doctored up the purple haired boy's wound, i laid him on my bed and curled up in a ball on the floor waiting for him to wake up.


auther again hi! i wanted to say sorry for not warning you all about the gore, but other that that hope you enjoyed and that you are doing well. also i will do daily updates till i finesh the story. so have a good day or good night 😊.

bye bye

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