Chapter Thirty Two

Comincia dall'inizio

Mal looked up and gave him a weak smile. A smile that Hades readily returned as the group made their way to the kitchen and Hades learned everything that was going on.

Let's just say he was fairly impressed that the Cerberus in a mortal's body his daughter was dating didn't hightail it out of there the moment Hades started shouting.

"How've you been?" Hades asked. Ever since that first encounter, he had grown to tolerate Beastie Jr. If anything, he was good around Virgil, the older boy having been in the kitchen their first trip. Most people would have easily gotten annoyed by the half-imp's stammer but Ben seemed to take it in stride.

"I've been good," Mal told him as she shook her head. "Ben's been insane about making sure I don't have too much stuff on my plate after everything that happened with Natalie. Akiho and Emir have practically become my shadows which is annoying because I've actually started liking some of the Cotillion stuff. None of the prissy dress stuff but working with Jane to make sure the colors don't clash, it's actually testing my art abilities and it's kinda fun."

"Have you told them that?"

"Of course I have!" Mal chuckled. "But they don't do it often, only if they think I look overworked. And nine times out of ten it's just a quick break to the Tourney field to throw toys for Estelle. We went to the Enchanted Lake once but I think they picked up the hint that water and me don't mix when I refused to get in."

"You know I'm sure Ariel would be happy to—."

"Yeah I'm sure too and I'm also sure that Poseidon would also be happy to give me swimming lessons," Mal shrugged. "All the same, I'm fine on the land. Uma and Harry are the swimmers after all."

Hades nodded and plated the chicken for Mal, ignoring her mention of his little brother. He might not have been on Hades 'dead to him' list but he still wasn't thrilled that Poseidon hadn't attempted to help when Persephone went to Zeus all those years ago. Speaking of brothers... "How's your brother doing? He never seems to come on these clandestine trips of yours. You two aren't in a fight or anything are you?"

Mal shook her head as she dug into her chicken. "No, no nothing like that. Nine times out of ten, we don't even plan these trips so there's no time to grab Hadie. Besides, he's usually with Alexandria anyway."


"Alexandria Charming, the youngest daughter of Kit and Ella."

"Oh, one of the daughters that caused Tremaine to be in a snit for a month after we heard the news," Hades nodded.

"Lady Tremaine wasn't...oh wait what am I saying? Of course she wasn't happy to hear Cinderella had healthy children," Mal sighed, shaking her head.

"That would be an understatement Mali," Hades chuckled. "Furious would be more accurate."

"Furious? That Cinderella had healthy kids?"

"Apparently, since Queen Ella used to be a scullery maid, having healthy kids was above her station," Hades rolled his eyes. "Never mind the fact that Cinderella's father was a lord when he died meaning having healthy kids would be perfectly within her station but the woman's insane anyway. Err...Tremaine, I mean. Not Cinderella."

"I knew who you meant dad," Mal chuckled as she continued to eat her chicken, cleaning her plate and leaned back with a sigh. "Gods, I know Auradon has some good food but there's nothing that can beat your chicken!"

"Flattery will get you everywhere Mali," Hades smirked as he held up a Tupperware container of garlic crispy chicken. "There's enough in there for both you and your brother since this is Hadie's favorite too. I can't believe I have to say this but share with your brother."

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