Chapter 1; Beginning

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Between every universe there is also a kind that lives by sadness and fear. He believes that no one will ever be together, and that they will always be seperated no matter what. He believes there will always and always be a sadness beaming through anyones  heart, or should he say "Everyone". He's name is Jack brown, he was often bullied and mocked in school, it broke him so much that he almost gave up. 

One afternoon Jack was sitting in silence reading he's book. "Hey bookworm!" said Tyler. Tyler is one of Jack' bully he is a famous student, and that is because he was rich and good looking, he's eyes were hazel brown, he's lips were pink and plump, he's jawlines that is he's best features, he's eyebrows that is straight and clean. " let me guess, your not going to prom. I mean look at you can't you look at yourself? some old crappy clothes? some fake shoes? bet you can't even afford a phone" Tyler said as he laughs. "Tyler shut up!" Jack replied "I didn't do anything to you ever! you bullied me for what?! for show!? God your a total attention seeker are you? besides you have nothing to do in your life that's why your stupid thinking you can bully me this time." Jack applied. Tyler stood there in shock and he left. 

Everyone was talking and whispering about Jack and He didn't actually cared at all. he just continued to walk down the corridors while his head was down. he finally reached his home. he went inside and started to take a shower. After he was done he grabbed his journal and started to write about something...............

"Dear journal,  

                         I think I might be in love with someone I saw in my dreams last night. She has 

            beautiful eyes that says the truth. Pretty pink lips that speak the truth. nose that is just the 

            the nose that is just the cutest amongst all. Others might say it's just a dream but for me 

            she is real and not just a dream she is an ideal that makes my heart beat faster than any 

           other kind. Even tho she is just in my dream I'm still in love with her. 

Jack then finishes writing and he suddenly fell asleep onto his desk. He then had the same dream about this girl. She is beyond amazing. She's incredible. she has this kind in her that made Jack fall in love with her. She has these hypnotizing eyes, that looked like the whole universe. It says her faith about love. It says the pain and happiness in her eyes. It shows her hope of loving. 

After hours he finally woke up and realized he was in love but "who?".....

He erased those thoughts and prepared to go to school. when he first enter the school every one was looking at him except for Tyler and his group. he quickly went to class and sat at the very back of the classroom "Good morning class today as I said all of you needs to bring something and tell us about it, it's basically show and tell but this time it will give you a bonus 10 points in your grades so I hoped all of you bought something." Mr. Spat said "So who would like to volunteer?" "Mr. Brown? will you please be first?" Mr. Spat said to Jack "o-of course sir." Jack said. "today I have my journal. it was with me for 17 years, it were with me through happiness, argument, depression, and pain. it became my friend like, except it isn't alive. well let me tell you all a story. this was a gift from my father. he passed 5 years ago, he told me to keep this, he was on the hospital bed that time, and he told me to write everything I want in it. He was my bestfriend, my brother like, and especially my father. I hated myself because I couldn't even spend a little more time with him." Jack said as he cried. he went outside the classroom and ran to the halls and continued crying. 

After some time he went back inside his classroom and asked his teacher if he could leave early and Mr. Spat said "yes Jack you may. I hope the best for you'" Jack the took his bag and went home. 

he quickly went to bed and thought about the girl he saw in his dreams. "Who are you?" Jack asked to himself and he closed his eyes. 

"wait! your the one from my dream. Can I ask you what's your name? well you seem to be a quiet person so i'll just call you Stelara it means Universe." "well your eyes looks like the whole universe so I will call you that." 

Jack then woke up from his dream and remembered the girl. "Stelara." he whispered to himself and smiled. he then started his day by cooking eggs and making juice. after he went to the park and wrote to his journal about what he dreamt about. he was now fascinated by her. he couldn't believe about what he just dreamt about. it made his heart soft, he was not full of happiness. he wasn't the old sad and lonely and scared Jack. he changed just because of just a girl from his dreams. he cotinues to write as much as he wanted about her. then after a long day he went back home and slept.

but this time..... 

he didn't see the girl in his dream...

where could she be?..

is she gone?...

after hours, Jack finally woke up" where is she?" he asked to himself he ignored it and went to the park again to draw, to draw her. 

"she had those hypnotizing eyes, that looked like the whole universe, the eyes that holds the truth and pain, the eyes that have hope for love and happiness. Those lips that drops words from her heart, the lips that says truth. her ears, anyone might find it weird but  for me it isn't. she is stelara

he then continued to draw her. at this point he was inspired and felt that he was never alone. 

he felt happy...............

after sometime Jack fell asleep on the cloth he laid earlier. he had a dream about her this time. she spoke to her. she told everything about her. her happiness her pain and sorrows. Jack felt the same thing. 

"you know Jack? I also have pain, I lived by sorrow and fear." 

she said as her eyes started a pool of tears, Jack knew she was in pain at that moment, so he didn't hesitate to hug her and she hugged back while sobbing 

"Jack I'm sorry I live in another world, I'm not real" she said in pain 

"what?" jack said with a shocked face

"I'm sorry Jack I need to go" she said as Jack woke up.......

he ran back home while tears kept falling down he's cheeks. He was hurt, it felt like his heart was being stabbed. He couldn't believe what he heard earlier, "i'm not real ." those were the words that echoed to his mind. The rain finally poured. He kept running until he was home. he closed the door and took a bath.  He wanted to forget her but he can't. He knew to himself that he still loved her. He finally went to bed and relaxed. He closed his eyes and he fell asleep as he was thinking of her the whole time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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