Thank You ♪(๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)♪

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Okay, so as mentioned in the description, this is the 100th part. The part where I mark this book as completed.

So, without further ado, this book will be marked as completed and no other updates will come to this one.

Thank you for all the reads and support for this book! I never ever expected this book to get this big! So a huge thank you goes out to all of you! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

Lastly, let me know if you would like a sequel to this one! Or if you'd like any zodiac books for any other fandoms! However they cannot be Demon Slayer or Haikyuu, since I already have a zodiac book out for those two fandoms. You can PM me (I won't respond, but I will read them!) or comment on this chapter what fandoms you would like, and I'll take the suggestion into consideration!

So, I will mark this book as completed. And once again, thanks for all the support on this book! It means a lot!

𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐧𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐩𝐚 𝐳𝐨𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐜𝐬Where stories live. Discover now