"Not when I see that jerk in maths" Tim snarled "What did you even do? All I saw was you jumping on his back-"

"What?" Scarlet's jaw opened and frowned at the younger boy. She then ranted about how he needed to stop causing fights and creating enemies with seniors was never good."Don't worry, I'll finish the guy easy" Scarlet put her hand to her head hearing the sentence from Damian. She sighed trying to figure out his thought process or if she has just gone insane.

Alfred then spoke through the speaker "May I say Miss Scarlet has a point" Scarlet made a face at Damian which he returned "Wait how did you-" Tim then noticed the speaker turned on and realised Alfred heard everything "Please don't tell Bruce. We'll get it sorted"

"Aww how protective of you" Tim playfully pushed Scarlet as they listened to Alfred "I'll say no more. As long as you don't cause dear Raiden to get into your troubles" Scarlet snickered proceeding to say how Raidan gets evolved either way; he's a magnet to the Wayne family. There was truth to this as their friend had been close to the family since he was little. If Bruce would let her, and if Raidan didn't have loving parents, she would definitely adopt him as a brother. Though her thoughts were stopped by Alfred informing them that it was an important day. They all looked at one another confused on what it could be. Tim piped up "It's not Bruce's birthday....right?"

The butler laughed before continuing "No, however, both master Dick and Jason are visiting" Scarlet smiled brightly remembering her weekend plans. Of course before she wanted a relaxed time, but it's been so long since she saw them. Dick last appeared two months ago to do research in Wayne enterprises and Jason was around five months. If she was honest, she couldn't really remember the jobs or studies they did. All that mattered was just getting to see them for at least a day or so.

Though it wad quite random of them visiting. Dick just mentioned it a month ago and Jason then informed them all a week prior he would be joining them as well. Damian crossed his arms "How fun" Tim and Scarlet stared at him blanky before he contined "I don't care about them visitng. It's just all the headliners will be after us,you know, we're all together and that" He waved his hand at the last part.

"Why even are they visitng?" Scarlet looked out the window "Dick overworks and Jason...well you know him. Tries to avoid Bruce as much as possible" Alfred spoke, now the mini window between them was down, answering her question "I believe Master Bruce is planning for them to do some research at his company. Plus it will be nice for you all to see each other" Scarlet nodded in agreement "Yeah, it's been so long since we have seen them"

"I think I see them too much" Damian muttered as Tim glared "I mean like...give me another two month haha... It's just that Dick is a Di-"

"Damain" Alfred called as they drove into the manor "Now, Master Dick will arrive tonight while Master Jason will apear tomorrow"

"I bet you Dick will arrive tomorrow" Tim looked at Scarlet. She rolled her eyes."Why is he always late?"


"Why does he always do this?"

Scarlet was sitting on the window seat looking out towards the grand gate. The darkness was nearing as the warmth from the day disapeared. She was wearing her pyjamas and dressing gown as her family sat around in the mini library. Bruce toom a sip of his coffee while reading his papers "I'm sure he will be here soon"

"Or he is a bad driver" Damian said as he sat upside down in the armchair. Tim smirked "Well it's not as bad as when you crashed the car"

"Don't bring that up, Drake"

Scarlet yawned hoping her brother was ok. She hoped he was rushing home as he missed it so much and wanted to return like the old days. She hoped he would decide to stay again and they would live as normal. However, she knew deep down that wouldn't happen. Despite missing them, calling now and again for comfort, she gave space understanding they were busy. Surprisingly enough, the boys kept in contact as much as possible. Probably  from the past experiences of her feelimg alone.

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