Chapter One

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Olivia's Point of View:

We all stood around the drawing-room. It was decorated eccentrically. There were mint curtains that did not go very well with the color of the walls, a pastel lyellow.

Prudence was getting her corset tied. Mother was forcing the made to make Prudence's waist as small as she could, but we reached that point a few minutes ago. Prudence was wincing in pain. It caused me to wince a little. Mother stood directly behind the maid, watching as the corset is tied. Making sure that, it is as tight as it can possibly be.

I shot a hasty look over at my sister, Penelope. Who was looking at me with wide eyes, most likely thankful she did not have to go through that.

The maid struggled to pull the corset much tighter and mother ran forward grabbing it, exclaiming, "Tighter!"

"Is she to breathe Mama?" Penelope asked from beside me looking quite startled. She continued pulling on the corset while answering her daughter.

"I was able to squeeze my waist into the size of an orange and a half when I was Prudence's age. Your sister shall do the same." Prudence let out a pained cry.

"She won't be able to if she's deceased," I muttered to myself. Mother looked up at me with narrowed eyes.

"You would do best to keep your mouth shut," she growled pointing a finger at me. I averted my gaze. I was already adorned in my obnoxiously pink dress. It was probably the most hideous dress of the bunch. I wasn't even quite sure you could make a pink this bright.

"Alright, let's go. Come along," Mother said standing upright and walking towards the door. Father folded his newspaper and set it down on the end table. He sent me a smile and grabbed my arm leading me out of the house after Mother and my sisters.

When we got outside I noticed the Bridgerton's walking down the steps of their house. I scanned all of them looking for a certain one. He was not there. Surely he wouldn't miss this. It was a big part of the season.

Father lead me down the steps and we went to the carriage behind the one carrying mother and my sisters. She didn't like riding in the same carriage as me. Actually, she didn't like being in the same room as me. I was never told why. Father helped me into the carriage and we were off.


We arrived at the castle. I noticed probably a hundred debutantes in their finest dresses. I was envious of them. Sometimes, I wish that I were able to pick my own dresses, maybe then I could actually be pretty, but I don't get that opportunity. Mother gets to pick the color dress I wear.

Father and I were stood waiting for Philippa to step down off the carriage. I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes. We go through this every time, she has to get out of the carriage. Finally, my mother convinced her she would be fine and that she would not fall, when something crashed into my shoulder almost knocking me face down into the ground.

Before I could fall, I was grabbed around the waist, successfully stopping my fall. I slowly turned around, seeing who it was. It was Anthony Bridgerton. His hair was messier than usual and his clothes were a little rumpled. There was a faint line of sweat on his forehead as if he had been rushing.

"My apologies, Miss Featherington," He tilted his head down a little. "I did not see you there." Ouch. Even in this horrendous dress that should alert everyone in a ten-mile radius of me, he still doesn't notice me. A small smile breaks out onto my face.

"It's okay," I whispered and my mother and sisters walked over to us.

"Mr. Bridgerton," Mother says enthusiastically. "Will you be looking for a wi-"

The Broken One // Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now