In truth, I had seen Chantelle scouring the crowds for me and had been deftly avoiding her. I didn't know that I had the power to endure a night of being paraded around by her while she told anyone who'd listen that we were the perfect couple. It was my deepest hope that she'd be too caught up in being the centre of attention to remember that I was even in attendance.

'I'm sorry,' Jenny said, 'if my mother upset you yesterday. She's a bit... mischievous when she wants to be.'

There was enough sincerity in the apology that it warmed me a little to Jenny. I offered a genuine smile in return and assured her, 'I wasn't offended. We all have parents.'

Jenny relaxed visibly in relief. 'Tell me about it.'

'Are you enjoying the party so far?' I asked.

'Yes,' she said brightly. A quick glance at Charlie prompted her to add, 'I'm having the best time.'

'I think some of your friends are, too,' I commented upon hearing a shriek of laughter from the dancefloor. I had no doubt that it came from either Lisa or Chrissy. I'd never met anyone else who could achieve that pitch.

'I should go and talk to them.'

'It's fine,' Charlie said. 'They're not too out of control.'

'Yet,' I muttered. Fortunately, Jenny hadn't heard me over the din. Charlie had. He fixed me with a hard glare and shook his head slowly. I affixed a smile back to my lips and asked, 'Did you bring Beth with you?' as if I hadn't noticed her right away.

'Yes,' Jenny replied. Some semblance of guilt crossed her expression. 'I'm worried she might go and hide somewhere, though.'

'Oh?' Charlie asked. 'Why's that?'

'Wyatt came along,' she sighed. 'He's stuck to her like since he came to the school. I wouldn't be surprised if he's the same tonight.'

'Well, maybe we can do something about that?' Charlie suggested. 'Will, you're not busy. Go and chase him off.'

'Oh, no I couldn't ask you to –' Jenny began.

'He'll be happy to do it,' Charlie offered with a wide smile. The bastard. 'Won't you, Will?'

'It would be the greatest joy of my life,' I replied through gritted teeth. 'Excuse me, won't you?'

It worried me that I could so easily spot Beth in a crowd. When had she stopped just being another brunette in a sea of girls to me? When had I realised that she stood out above all others? She'd broken free of her captor and was talking to one of her friends. I didn't know where Wyatt was or how long he would be gone, but I assumed that I only had a small window of opportunity to claim her attention.

'Slow dance? We could make some people super uncomfortable with that. I'll even dip you if you want?' Beth was suggesting to her friend.

Georgia laughed in reply, 'I was thinking more of a group of us. I'm way out of your league, you know that.'

Dramatically, Beth held her hand over her chest as though she'd been wounded. 'Oh God, right in my feelings! That hurts.'

'You're such a loser,' she joked.

'I know. Still, I'm not as bad as Wyatt,' Beth said.

'I doubt there are many people as bad as he is,' I interjected.

My interruption made her jump and I delighted in the reaction. It wasn't in my nature to scare the girls that I was interested in, but there was just something so disarmingly charming about the way her eyes had widened, how they had glistened beneath the twinkling lights strung over our heads. Seeing her out of jeans and in a dress was also startling. It wasn't like a movie where a girl takes off her glasses and – gasp – she's suddenly beautiful. Beth had always been an attractive girl. No, in a stunning dress she merely amplified what was there already. She radiated it. I thanked whatever God there may or may not be that I had been the first to her side in Wyatt's absence, because whether she was aware of it or not, she could have easily captured the attention of a dozen young men with little more than her enchanting smile.

Beth cleared her throat gently. While looking at anything but me, she said, 'It's a nice party. I'm sorry that moron came along.'

'If you want to make it up to us, then you can come and dance with me,' I said before I could stop myself.

I could almost hear the cogs turning in her head as she formulated an answer to the question. I could hardly blame her. I'd not been the most charming or attentive person to her in the past, but I wasn't about to turn down the chance of a dance, even if just to appease Charlie.

Of course, it was for Charlie.

I wouldn't have asked for my own sake.

'Er – well – that's –'

'I'll take that as a yes, shall I?'

'I'll take that as a yes, shall I?'

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
Worst Impressionsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें