Feeling Like A Rockstar

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It was 7pm, and Harrison was already getting restless. Tonight he was going to see the PDs in concert for the first time. His friend Sam was to join him any minute. To be honest, he didn't really know when he had asked her to join him. But hey, it would be someone to fantasize about the guitarist with. Val was the kind of guy who commanded admiration and, in Hornet's case, a hard-on. He was a handsome young man, and Harrison liked to find similarities with himself in his lovers.
As he began to unbutton his trouser button, his phone rang
"-Yes, it's me Harrison." Sam was out of breath. She'd probably had to run to be on time.
"I'm out front, you can get out, let's go."

As they arrived in front of the concert stage, the two ex-staffers caught sight of a black car pulling up next to the main entrance. In an instant, Harrison recognized it. It was Val. There was no longer any doubt when the fangirls all shouted in unison. The guitarist looked at them wearily, he saw him gasp in exasperation. Until his eyes met Harrison's. A thin smile played on his lips, and he winked at him. Had he been dreaming? The young man was well aware of his charm, but this kind of event was surprising, even for him. Hornet felt Sam lean towards him and whisper, "I know someone who wants your cock.
-That's right.
They entered the concert hall, and, thanks to Sam's small frame, managed to squeeze in at the foot of the stage. The joy the pseudo-god felt was indescribable. What a LUCK to be in the front row at the first concert. It must have been Sam's luck who played.

When the band took their places, the fanboy was not surprised when the object of his desire came to stand right in front of him. This walking symbol of eroticism at first paid no attention to the people at his feet. He looked around the room, concentrated. He seemed to be looking for something in the dark mass of fans that was still forming. How beautiful he could be when he was focused. His eyes fell on those of the rocker. A sparkle, a smile. Maybe he really wanted his cock after all.

The concert went very well. Harrison had had the impression on several occasions that Val was only playing for him. It was selfish, yes, but that was his feeling.
When the concert was over, they left the hall. While Sam was checking out the groupies' asses, Harrison was stopped by a security guard.
"-Young man, follow me."
As Hornet was about to call out to his friend to warn her, he saw her about thirty metres away, flirting. Too far away.
"What's this about?
-A member of the group wishes to see you." Ah. Does this kind of thing happen in real life? Is it Val who wants to see him?
"Well, I'll suck you off." The security guard gave a puzzled look.
"Follow. I follow you." Lapsus, when you hold us.
The security guard led him backstage, and stopped in front of a door, a little apart from the rest.
"-This is it. I'll leave you to it."
Harrison was sweating. He was watching his hands, as if to convince himself that he existed, and that this was all real. He reached for the handle and opened the door. In an armchair, sitting carelessly, Val was drinking a beer and looking at Hornet, as if he hadn't seen a human being for years. Harrison quickly observed the room. Subdued light. A desk with all kinds of papers (posters from the Cannot Understand Mankind tour), packets of cigarettes, empty, beers, empty, in the corner, a bed, sheets untied, as if someone had rushed out. Or that someone had had too good a time. A small plastic bag lay on the floor. Probably some leftover white powder. Val looked even more attractive and impressive in this context, almost wild. His long hair cascaded over his shoulders, a few strands fell over his eyes.  In any case, Harrison didn't know what to say. Val broke the silence.
"-I saw you in the front row during the concert." It was obvious (otherwise Harrison wouldn't be there) but the fanboy didn't realize that the big Val could have noticed his presence. It was really dizzying.
"Mostly I saw that you were devouring me with your eyes. It was embarrassing." As he said this, he got up from his chair and casually tossed his beer, a corpse among corpses. In a few steps he reached the distance between himself and Harrison, grabbed his hand, and laid it against his chest, covered with a thin cloth that betrayed nothing of the guitarist's heat, muscle, or decidedly pounding heart.
"So I called you so you could relieve this perversion of yours." Hornet almost felt dizzy. Was this really what was going to happen? Could he give himself to a man he didn't know after all?
Of course he could. Without waiting he grabbed Val's hips, and the latter took Harrison's head in order to devour his lips. The guitarist's tongue tasted of alcohol, which had the effect of arousing the rocker, already drunk with desire, even more. His hands went up to her back, then to her long hair. He plunged his fingers into it and tugged lightly on it, which drew a grunt from Val. He seemed to like it. One of his hands delicately followed the jaw of his partner for a night, and encircled Harrison's throat with his long fingers. The coldness of the metal of his rings and the contact itself surprised Hornet without cutting him off. Noticing no reluctance on his part, he tightened his embrace. Something about the danger of the act, coupled with the fact that he was preparing to fuck a stranger, added spice, that was for sure.
Suddenly, with a strength he wouldn't have suspected, Val pushed Harrison onto his bed, and the shape of his trousers didn't leave Hornet much to speculate about as to what would happen next. And so much the better, because otherwise he wouldn't have really appreciated it. The DP's mouth on his neck, he felt the latter's crotch rubbing against his through the jeans, which were really becoming too much at this moment. The hands slid under the shirts so that soon the two lovers were both in their underwear. Hungrier than ever, Val's kisses on Harrison's skin turned into light bites, stronger at times, pushing the limits as long as Harrison didn't complain. Looking up, synonymous with the ecstasy he was in, Hornet saw a ring hanging on the wall. As he wondered about the nature of its presence, he also saw a mirror on the ceiling. Holy shit. He could really fuck himself. As the mere sight of himself in this position heated him even more, he heard a metallic noise. He didn't have time to ask what it was that his wrists were now handcuffed and hooked to the ring. That answered a question. When he looked back at Val, the latter was in the process of removing his biggest fan's pants, before attending to himself. Harrison was now relieved to be free of the fabric, but he was now deprived of the pleasure of touching, which made him grunt. This reaction drew an almost childish laugh from him.
"-Do you think a desperate young man like you can touch me as if he were my equal?"
He then took Harrison's member in his hand. The sudden touch made the recipient shudder.
"I don't think so." He removed his hand and frowned.
"I didn't hear anything.
-No what?
-No, I'm not worthy to lay my hands on you, Val.
-That's your name, right?
-We don't know each other. That'll be Sir for you."
He put his hand back on the sex that was still begging for more, and that gesture was quickly followed by the deft and precise tongue. Harrison couldn't decently stare at Val while he sucked him, or he'd leave too quickly he was sure. He then glanced desperately up at the sky, and his own image hit him hard. He realised how erotic his appearance was. Even in the dim light he saw and became aware of her torso rising rapidly and painfully in a jerky manner, he saw and became aware of her face, red and sweaty from the effort and the heat that was beginning to settle in the room. All he recognised of himself at that moment were his eyes. All that held him in his humanity were them. He smiled, and pulled on the handcuffs. Not to get out of them (he wouldn't want to leave anyway) but to feel even more alive than he was at that moment. Harrison felt omnipotent, there was only him and Val on this earth, and this lovemaking would last forever. Everything was too good, too perfect, too made for him. As his gaze, now full of confidence and defiance, rested on Val, he saw the latter separate from his member, and stare at him. Hornet took advantage of this moment to scrutinize him as well. He was in a state similar to his own, he found the sweat, the slowly rising chest, the redness, the desire, the hunger, but something was missing.

Humanity. A flash of light in his eyes, and Val lowered himself down, moving with both hands against the rocker's torso with feline grace. His lips landed on his. With an ardour that was still unknown to him, Harrison made the chains scream again to be able to follow the guitarist's wild dynamics.
The latter sat down to ride, which surprised Harrison but excited him even more. This configuration threw a veil over who really had the upper hand here. As the man underneath began to thrust mechanically, a flash of anger flashed through Val's eyes. His hand went to his neck again. The coldness of the metal was now heartbreaking compared to the warmth of his body. But Harrison had never liked the cold as much as he did at that moment.
"-That's me. The one in charge."
Imbued with his newfound confidence, Harrison gave another tug. The embrace around his neck tightened like a vise. He could feel that Val was capable of giving more, of investing himself fully in his riding, of giving himself to Harrison. The anger of the DP member pleased him. But for fear of offending him and putting an end to this activity, he gave in to his lover's demands. Appeased, Val began to move on his own, glancing at the ceiling in turn, occasionally putting a hand in his hair. To keep it out of his face or to frustrate Harrison further by not touching it, he didn't know. Nevertheless, he was enjoying the view, for sure. After a few minutes of Harrison standing still, he risked a kidney stroke again. Val did not expect it, and this initiative drew a groan from him. According to Harrison, he looked really surprised and taken by surprise, as if no one before him had dared to challenge him. This made him want to do it again. He found Val's hand around his neck, squeezing again, but this time he would not be impressed. The hand was tightening, the rhythm was accelerating. By reflex, Harrison wanted to throw his hands on his partner's hips, which seemed to be moulded for it. Only the slamming of the handcuffs answered him.
The guitarist's hand was screaming at him to stop, his eyes were begging him to continue. If he lost consciousness, it would be the best way. This duel continued for several long minutes. The two partners glared at each other, full of hatred and desire, neither one wanting to submit to the other. But the lack of oxygen, sufficient to increase the pleasure, insufficient to knock him out, allowed him to finish, followed very closely by Val, which soiled Harrison's chest. The one on top removed himself and licked what was left of his partner's seed. This task finished, he untied Harrison. The latter inspected his wrists, which were ringed with red from the struggle during the long minutes. When he ran his fingers over his marks, a shiver ran down his spine. What he thought had happened had happened.
"Get dressed, I signed a poster for you. You can go."
This possibility sounded like an order, and Hornet was happy enough as it was. He complied.

It was late. Hornet looked at his phone.


Oh fuck.

-Well, I was chatting up a girl who said she was going to be a McLaren engineer, nice, eh?
-Did you get into Ferrari? When do you start again?
-I'm going to the HQ during the week.
-Imagine you got Leclerc.
-Have you been smoking?
-Yes, I have.
-Well, meet me at the bar and I'll wait for you."


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2021 ⏰

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