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Morgan: oh god I was hoping last night was just a fever dream

Unknown: who says it wasnt

Garcia: good morning my lovelies!!!

Unknown: no it's too early

Morgan: you literally replied to me? first thing?

Unknown: becuz i wanted to torture myself
Unknown: i've succeeded

Reid: Did someone break the coffee machine?

Morgan: pretty boy are you ALREADY at work?

Reid: Yes.
Reid: I'm 99.67% sure Richards broke the coffee machine. He gave suspicious movements while exiting the room.

Morgan: you're only blaming Richards cuz you're still bitter about him

Reid: Not at all!

Morgan: mhm

Unknown: can y'all stfu some of us are trying to sleep
Unknown: except reed u can keep talking ur an angel and we love u

Reid: I don't even know you?
Reid: You don't even know me?

Unknown: i know enough to tell ur a cinnamon roll

Morgan: well he/she/they are not wrong.
Morgan: also *Reid

Unknown: shut

Prentiss: G'morning guys!

Unknown: no

Garcia: play nicely!!

Unknown: n o

Rossi: Are we just going to keep rolling with the fact a stranger is in our group chat and let them stay?

Garcia: yes we are!!
Garcia: we're friends, remember?

Unknown: we'd be even better friends if u'd buy me a bagel

Garcia: on it!!

Unknown: thank u
Unknown: brb
Unknown: if u need me, i'll be gurgling coffee

JJ: good morning everyone
JJ: wait, so penelope? you do actually know this person in real life?

Garcia: yep!

Rossi: That's only mildly reassuring.

Reid: Richards just confessed he broke the coffee machine!
Reid: But he whispered it to me and when I asked why he'd admit to it, he said, "Because no one will believe you."

Morgan: he do be right though
Morgan: we don't believe you

Reid: Ugh!

Unknown: don't worry read i believe u

Reid: Thank you.
Reid: ...I think.

Unknown: :)

Prentiss: That smiley face is very ominous

Morgan: are we gonna get any info out of you?

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