three feet

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Akaashi Keiji falls apart at the seams when he's drunk.

Oh yes, the always cool, calm, collected Akaashi Keiji loses all semblance of control over his words and actions when he's hammered - Bokuto would live for it if it didn't mean he had (for once) to be the mature one in their relationship.

Really, he doesn't realize all the privileges he gets as the lesser half of their relationship. He never has to worry about the finances or bills because he's either too dumb to fill out their taxes or would break something before he got halfway through. He's barely ever responsible for being the designated driver (which is probably a good thing considering he barely has his driver's license). God, he's never even had to worry about things like maintenance and upkeep of their apartment because, if there's something wrong with their appliances, Bokuto likely doesn't even realize it's broken.

However, the gaps in their skillsets become blatantly apparent when Akaashi drinks. Mainly because he adopts the intense version of Bokuto's usual clinginess and becomes utterly useless, a teary, blubbering mess, if the spiker strays even three feet from him.

It's fucking adorable. It's also incredibly stressful.

Why? Because, for once in his life, Bokuto Koutarou has to act like an actual adult, something he's never been made to do even after he turned eighteen.

"What can I get you?" The blond bartender asks, all flirtatious smiles and long fluttering eyelashes as she leans forward on the bar.

Bokuto, oblivious as always to the signals she's giving off, smiles back - it's not uncommon for him to be hit on. It's also not uncommon for him to not realize it until someone more well-versed in romance (Atsumu or literally any of his teammates) points it out.

"Uh, just water."

"Really?" She pushes out glossy lips as she twists her dyed hair up into a sloppy ponytail - Bokuto has never understood how girls do that, make messing with your hair look easy and casual. It takes him hours and his isn't even a quarter the length of hers. "You don't really strike me as a 'just water' type of guy?"

He has absolutely no idea what that means.


"Well, I just mean that usually guys that look like you know they can get away with getting stupid drunk," a bright giggle laces her voice, and Bokuto attempts his best reciprocation - he's pretty sure that was a compliment, but he wouldn't really know. "Usually biceps like these pay for their own shots. Or at least try to. I try to be a good employee and turn them away, but I'd probably cave if you asked me nicely-"

A sudden weight hits his back, forcing him to brace his body against the bar as arms wind themselves around his waist. A smile curls at his lips knowing full-well that the needy boyfriend he left back at their table likely shirked the company of his teammates in favor of stumbling after him - Akaashi is always so affectionate when he's inebriated.

"Stop flirting wit' him," he whines between Bokuto's shoulder blades, just loud enough to be heard over the background noise.

Bokuto pats his boyfriend's hands where they're entangled against his chest, a reassurance that they were just making friendly conversation.

"Don't worry baby, she wasn't flirting with m-"

"Oh no, I was," the blond bartender's expression has shifted a full one-eighty, from carefree to suddenly worried, a crease appearing between manicured eyebrows. "But I think I may have made a mistake. I'm not really into infidelity- I'm sorry!" Her smile is apologetic as she huffs an awkward laugh.

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