Hajime joins the party

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Hajimes pov:

Why is geometry Homework so difficult?! I sighed and ate a bit from my Orange-Icecream. I wanted to continue to do homework but I heard a knock on my door. "Hi" what the "who are you?! You're not chiaki, right?" Then slowly the door opened and fluffy white hair peeked into the room. "Who're you?" The person snickered. "I'm nagito. Nagito Komaeda." He winked at me and I frowned. Like girl ples leave. the boy walked into my room and leaned over my shoulder. Way to near to be comfortable for me. "Hm~ what are you doing..?" "What in the world is wrong with chiakis friend..." He hummed something and sat on my bed. Ok. What is happening right now. There is a cringe dude in my room for some reason. I should ask why though. Maybe I can convince him to leave,  "Why are you in my room again" He gave me a bright smile. "Because I wanted to see you!" I furrowed my brows again. "But you don't know me," I sighed. "Argh what ever." He smiled mischievously, "Yay~"

Some time passed and I was done with my work. I turned to nagito and saw that he was nearly asleep. "Hey." "..." "Nagitoe." He opened his eyes almost instantly. "What." "Get out already. I wanna sleep." This little shit just smirked at me. "Well, we could sleep together~" I felt my face heating up in disgust. "...ew." I sighed. This boy sure is something. "Wait are you actually going to sleep with me??" I gave him a deathglare. "No." Then I just took my shirt of and put a loose red shirt on. I looked at nagito. What the- is this bitch drooling?!

We just stared into each other's eyes. "Uh.. yeah.. I'd like to change my pants and I *really* don't want you to watch me.." he pouted. And looked stressed at his lap. "why hajime?" Stop giving me second hand embarrassment you little "I just feel uncomfortable because you're acting like a perv. And you probably are..." My expression was full of disgust. "Na. Gi. To. Get. Out," and walked over rto him slowly. "Of. My. Room."


"And when you're at it, tell chiaki she's gonna do the dishes for the next 2 months."

He sighed sadly and went out of my room. But before he closed the door he turned to me and winked. The amount of nerves I lost just feeling his pressence is inhuman. . I don't really wanted to think about him any longer.

I shut the lights, packed my backpack with my schoolthings and crawled in my bed.

Nagitos pov:

Aww.. he kicked me out of his  room. The nerves this boy got. I got back to chiaki and co. "Hey nageeetoeee" grinned kazuichi. "You didn't come back so we just played anyways. Is that ok?" I nodded. He smirked. "Why did you spend so much time there though? Did you two fuck?" I laughed slightly. "Yes." Ibuki and he bursted out laughing and I smiled. At least I could make them happy. "I can give you his number if you want it..." Said chiaki, a finger on her chin. "I don't think that's a good idea."

We ended up playing horror games and mikan was literally concerned about the people who died. Typical. A few people screamed or shrieked too. They're so cringe istg. I think hajime woke up or something, he suddenly was in the living room looking at us awkwardly. "Could you guys stop being so damn loud," "Hajime!!" Said I excited. "Uh... It's you." He said slightly disgusted. At least I have a talent bozo. "We can't stop, but you could join us!" Cheered the musican. Playing horror games with hajime? Yes ples! ;) He just sighed and gave us a tired look.

Word count: 761
Date: 19.03.21
Edited: 28.02.22

I fight the urge to delete this everyday 🤗

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