Chapter 2

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S- "W-what?"
P- "I'm pregnant Suzy, with our child."
S- "That's not possible- were only 14!"
P- "I'm sorry, I just found out yesterday..."
S- "Peppa, I'm sorry we have to break up! We only started having, ya know, a month ago!"
P- "Yes, I'm sorry but I guess you have to stay."
S- "Nawh man I'm moving out of this place. Hogwarts- here I come!"
P- "Suzy! You know Hogwarts isn't real!"
S- "How dare you!"

Suzy closed the door on Peppa's face and ran away. Peppa was devastated. She ran to her room and cried. George heard the whole thing. He felt bad and went up to the room. "Peppa, are you okay?" He asked. Peppa was crying and her mascara ran down her cheeks.

"No George, you wouldn't understand." She replied. She took her fairy wand and zapped George. He played unconscious on the floor, now turned into burned pork.

"George? Georgie?" She called after him. After she heard no response, she started to get worried. She looked over her shoulder and saw a blue shirt over bacon. "GEORGE?" she screamed.

Then she heard the door open. "Peppa! George! I'm home! Cum downstairs for dinner!" Mummy said. Peppa panicked. "What's that I smell kids? It smells like... bacon? Are you guys eating Grandma and Grandpa pigs ashes again?"

Peppa heard Mummy come up the stairs. More tears rolled down her eyes.

"I told you to not do tha-" Mummy said while opening the door. "Peppa. What have you done?"

Messed Up Peppa Pig SequalWhere stories live. Discover now