Chapter 4

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Friday, April 13, 1984

"I can't believe your parents would do something like that," Christopher said before he took a bite of his sandwich.

"I can. I should have seen this coming. After Diana Lawson called my mom, I should have suspected they would pull a stunt like that." Lorelai shook her head, wanting to discard the pained memory. "It was so embarrassing."

Christopher put his sandwich down. "Do they suspect anything? Did you say anything that could give away that we've...ya know?"

"I didn't say anything about us but I'm guessing they're worried because Alexis Stanten is pregnant."

"Really? Wow, I hadn't heard that."

Lorelai nodded. "Yeah, my mom heard about it at her D.A.R. meeting yesterday and wanted to make sure they don't end up with a pregnant daughter too."

"We have to do some damage control."

"Such as?"

Christopher mouth twisted to the side. "I'm not sure but we have to do something. I can't have your mom calling mine to report she thinks we've had sex."

Lorelai nodded. "Yeah, because your parents already don't like me."

Protesting, Christopher held up his hand. "That's not true—well, yeah it is. I don't know why though."

Lorelai laughed. "It's because I rebel against my parents and have made it abundantly clear I don't want their lifestyle. You, on the other hand, play it to your advantage."

"I wouldn't say that. I don't plan to live the same life as my father. Remember that I'm going to Europe after graduation?"

"That's your plan now but who knows what will happen between now and then."

Christopher's face filled with defiance. "I will go. Nothing will stop me."


Sunday, April 15, 1986

As was required, Lorelai slid into her seat at the table just before seven o'clock, joining her father who was already waiting. Emily strolled into the room, a frown tugging at her mouth. "Richard, I'm afraid I have some bad news. Francine Hayden just called. Anthony Saunders died this morning. His funeral is scheduled for Wednesday."

"Oh, that's too bad. But he had been ill so it was just a matter of time."

"Yes, it was." Emily took her seat and turned to Lorelai. "Please let your teachers know you you have a funeral to attend on Wednesday."

"Why do I have to go to his funeral?"

"Because its proper for our family to show grief at Anthony's passing."

"But I didn't know him."

Emily rolled her eyes. "I don't care; you're still going. And don't think for a moment we're going to have a repeat of Edgar Hodges' funeral." She took a drink from her wine glass, indicating the conversation was over. "Yelena, please bring out the salads."

Lorelai shook her head. There was absolutely no reason her attendance at the old guy's funeral was necessary. While it would get her out of school, it also meant more time she'd have to spend with her parents.

Oh, joy.


Flashback: Monday, September 13, 1982

Emily's voice filtered through Lorelai's bedroom door. "Please hurry up. We need to leave for Edgar's funeral in ten minutes."

"Okay," she called back, standing in front of her closet. She hated having to dress formally. She spied a pair of black pants and moved to grab them as a shirt caught her attention. She smirked and grabbed it, too, before beginning to change. Five minutes later, she stood at the front door with a black jacket on over her "Hell is for Children" shirt.

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