Chapter 2

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Friday, February 10, 1984

"Lor!" Christopher yelled to Lorelai from his locker as she made her way to a biology class. He swiftly closed the distance between them after grabbing his needed books. "Where were you this morning? I waited by your locker but you didn't come by before I had to get to class."

"I was in the bathroom. I felt nauseous so I sat in there for a little bit until it passed."

"Are you coming down with something?"

"I don't know. I've been feeling off lately so maybe. I'll try to get more sleep tonight to see if I can shake this thing off."

As they approached her classroom, Christopher glanced down the hall before leaning in for a quick kiss. "Wait at your locker after class and I'll give you a ride home."

Lorelai laughed. "The last time you gave me a ride home, you ended up on my balcony."

"Why do you think I want to come by?" he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

Lorelai smiled but said nothing as she turned away to get to her seat before class started. After opening her textbook to the page noted on the chalkboard, she cupped her chin with her hand and let her mind wander as Mr. DeRuzza began today's lecture on mitosis.

Christopher was certainly appealing. He may not be the traditional bad boy but he definitely had plans to stand on his own two feet once he was older. Society would help boost his name once he was a college graduate, even if that was a year later than his parents planned for. And that was even if Christopher's year in Europe panned out like he said.

It was easy for Christopher to tell her he would abandon what Strobe and Francine wanted. It was entirely different for him to actually do it. He had always had trouble with their disapproval. On one hand, he wanted to please them. On the other, his wishes always drastically clashed with what his parents wanted. She always told him that the issue would be deciding whose dreams to follow. For as long as she was with him, Christopher always erred more to doing things their way.

That was, until he turned his sights on Lorelai Gilmore.

She and Christopher had been together for six months. Most of that time, they had been sexually active. They'd always been careful except for their escapade on the balcony. Neither had any protection since it wasn't planned that they'd be alone or that Christopher would bring her home.

In those moments, they let hormones guide their choices and threw caution to the wind.

All in all, one time didn't matter.



Flashback: Saturday, April 24, 1976

"Happy eighth birthday, Lorelai!"

"Wow, Lorelai, eight already?"

"When did you get to be so old? It seems like just yesterday your mom and dad told us they were expecting you!"

Lorelai looked around the room, spying faces of those around her. She heard the comments, though she had no idea who any of these people were. Much later, she realized they were friends of her parents.

The maid, Leah, walked through the dining room in an effort to observe the guests and tend to their needs. Relief filled Lorelai and she quickly made her way to the maid's side.

"Leah!" Lorelai exclaimed, thrilled to see a familiar face.

Leah smiled down at her. "Is the birthday girl enjoying her party?"

Before Rory: A Gilmore Girls PrequelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu