"To be honest, i am in deep shit." I said, sighing.  Hanging my head down in frustration.

"Why?" Karla asked,

"What happened?" Harper asked, frowning,

"What did you do now?" Jasmine's question made me raise my head up in pride and a satisfied smile made it's way onto my lips.

She rose her eyebrow at me at my sudden change of facial expressions.

"Well, actually. I punched him in the face..." Karla gasped, Harper's eye's widen, While Jasmine was trying to hide her smile, miserably.

"And i kicked him in the balls. He was holding me without my consent and was misbehaving. I had to do it." I said, with a scoff and flipped my hair over my shoulder.

"Esme!" Harper said, unbelievableness shone in her eyes.

"Oh my god" Karla laughed out loud.

I looked over to Jasmine who was just sitting there and looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"Girls, why don't you go ahead and start the work. I will join you in a few." Jasmine said, in a stern voice.

Jasmine was the in charge of the house hold. That's why she ordered everyone around.

Harper and Karla left the room, chuckling. They knew what was about to happen.

Jasmine's lecture.

I leaned back in the chair, bored as i munch on my food. Looking ever so slowly into her eyes.

"Esme. I may not understand your situation fully, but did you ever think. That may be you are looking too much into him. In the negative way. Look he may be bad but don't every person has flaws? And it's on us to look past their flaws and see good in them. Remember, what i always taught you, see good in people. I know he hurt you, but at least give him a chance before pushing him away. This way, you might see the real him past his bad boy facade. And if he is really an ass, then confront your dad about it. Tell him you gave him a chance and you don't want to be together." She said,

Every word touched my heart and mind. She was totally right but it was the hate within that's stopping me from accepting the facts.

I sighed and stayed silent. Wheels turning in my head at 100 kilometers per hour.

"I hope you take your time and find your way." She said, softly. Her fingers hold my mine and patted them in a loving way.

"Okay. I will apologize to him about yesterday and will be on my best behavior. I will give him a chance." I said, looking up at her. Looking uncertain about it.

She nodded her head with a kind smile on her face, encouraging me.

"Now hurry up and pick up your outfit for the day. I will be back." She said, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

It was late evening, when i started getting ready. I had a bad vibe coming to be. Ignoring it, i got to my work. I was sitting on my bed with my legs dangling, as i rock them back and froth.

My phone ringed, pulling me out of my thoughts. Grabbing my phone from the side table, i looked at the caller id. It was Kian.


"Hello. " I answered, already bored.

"Are you ready?  " He asked,


" I am almost there. Be down in five." With that he hung up.

Such a gentleman.

Rolling my eyes, i wore my shoes and headed down.

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