ch. VIII

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what the hell?

the surgeons pulled back their equipment things were said in every direction as if they were in distress. each of them gathered around and started murmuring, but jisoo was still in a daze from the pills they made her consume, and wasn't aware of what was fully happening.

what's going on? what are they doing?

"jen?" she rasped out, barely hearable because of how unbelievably withered her throat was.

"i'm sorry."

on her peripheral vision, their managers came to interfere. trying to reason with the surgeons. jisoo instantaneously got lightheaded, the last thing she recognized appeared to be jennie sending her an apologetic look, before she drifted into deep slumber.

how could they postpone without warning? i'm already bedridden and that's demeaning enough. she had tried to talk with the staff, nurses, jennie, but nobody acknowledged her.

jisoo had her gaze fixed on the white ceiling as her confusion dissipated into exasperation. she didn't know long she had left for her to live, she definitely knew for sure that it wasn't much.

a knock and creak of a door was enough to tick her off, but she paid no mind to it and kept on sulking.

"i don't need any more meds, jennie. i've clearly—"

"it's chaeyoung."

have you ever seen someone so beautiful? all you can think is a way on how you want to praise her? you want to write a poem for her & find a song that portrays her allure. but you realise no words, and not even the song i wrote for her was sufficient to describe her, so you just stare silently in awe.

jisoo looked so worn out. her skin turned rather pale, and she might have even lost a little bit of weight from all that throwing up. but still, chaeyoung thought she was still the most beautiful woman she had laid eyes on.

that was all because of me.

her demeanor faltered and her eyes stung, along with the agony in her heart.

the blonde slowly proceeded to go get a closer look, pulling out a chair for her to sit on close to the end of the bed. she directed her gaze towards the woman in front of her, who shifted on her side, facing the wall instead of meeting her eyes.

she understood, a somber sigh falling off her lips. after all, how dense was she to come by right when jisoo happened to be in the verge of possibly dying?

jisoo's gut feels one way, her heart feels another; it pounds faster than before. perhaps chaeyoung's presence being close to her was the reason, or the way the petals on the back of her throat began acting up.

both of their eyes held an awful amount of sorrow. so much of what chaeyoung wanted to let out, yet she couldn't utter a single word.

to resolve this, she gently got a hold of the instrument she had brought. a soft strumming of a guitar could be heard throughout the room.

"when i was younger i saw, my daddy cry
and curse at the wind.
he broke his own heart and i watched
as he tried to reassemble it.
and my momma swore
that she would never let herself, forget.
and that was the day that i promised,"

the older woman loved hearing chaeyoung sing. she had always supported her since the beginning, encouraging her to do more. her song covers, her song writing and her  abiding passion for music. the past three years of waiting, she finally released her own solo album, which, as one would expect, was all about her muse.

"i'd never sing of love if it does not exist."

back in their trainee days, jisoo had constantly been suffering from sleep paralysis, before dalgom came, chaeyoung was always there to sing her to sleep, as for her voice was calming and helped her mellow out. and here she was, singing her own self written song dedicated to her.

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