iv - luke's love song

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Jake's POV 

I lost Luke's lyrics. 

When he came to me this morning asking for them back, all I could say was that I'd give them back during band practice today. 

I was meaning to go to the clubroom to look for the paper, but shamefully forgot to do so. I'll have to tell him that I misplaced it and hopefully, he'll forgive me. I'm not sure how forgiving he is, but I really hope I won't have to get to the 'what if' there. 

2 tables ahead of me, I hear Luke sigh. The boy next to me, Drew, exclaims, "What's Luke sighing about? Had a falling out with his freak friends?" 

I have three friends who aren't very fond of the members of the club, not even after I decided to join. Drew's one of them. 

"No, I think he's just having some issues in the love department." I respond with a pinch of empathy. 

"Oof, that's tough. Shame I can't relate." 

Did I also mention that he's loaded, and has a girlfriend who just so happens to be a gold digger? That's Drew for you. 

"I feel for him." Henry, one of my other friends, sighs in sorrow. "Lia still hasn't texted me back since yesterday. I can't seem to catch a break!" 

"I keep telling you, stop sending her My Hero Academia memes!" And that's Liam, who completes the Jomies. 

This crush of his must really be getting him down... or maybe it's the fact that he doesn't have his lyrics. 

One table ahead of me, Hailey's right between Luke and I. Maybe she can clue me in, and play some messenger. Luke won't be able to get his revenge on me for now, being in class and all. 

Luke's POV 

Jake and Hailey whisper-talk to each other as I try to focus on the Lab assignment I should be doing. I can't help but tune in to their conversation instead of ignoring it. 

"I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that. I'm just as clueless as you are," Hailey responds to something Jake said. 

"You either know and aren't telling me or he's really good at hiding things from you." 

"I'm serious!" 

"Alright, alright." Jake looks at me, and I look back at the lineup of half-filled beakers and graduated cylinders. I hope I didn't hear anything I wasn't supposed to. 

Jake hushes his voice, but it still manages to be loud enough for me to hear loud and clear. "Uh, can you send a message?" 

Hailey pauses, possibly debating on whether she should or not. "For whom?" 

"Could you tell Luke that I might have lost something important to him?" 

She sighs, but reluctantly agrees. She double-taps my shoulder, and I turn around, pretending to be oblivious. 

"I'm playing messenger and Jake says that he lost something important to you." 

Jake pipes up. "And that he's sorry?" 

Hailey sighs. "And that he's sorry." 

I should have expected this to happen. Yet, I'm not mad. I'm almost relieved that the paper isn't in my reach for once, it's been eating me up for days. 

I shoot Jake a content look, and say, "Don't worry about it. But you owe me one." I say the last half with a hint of vengeance. He nods quickly and returns to his work. 

I'll ask him where he was before this class, and I'll have to do a sweep around the school. Something tells me it's probably not too far though. 

Suddenly, I hear a whooshing and bubbling explosion from Jake's table, and the teacher at the front of the class probably has a few things to say. 

I wait outside the classroom for Jake to arrive. There's a few minutes before band practice, so we're going to have to be quick if we don't want to be scolded by Hailey. 

Jake walks out of the lab room, a hint of annoyance and shame on his face. I approach him and call his name. 

"Jake! Don't think I forgot about you losing that paper." 

A look of surprise washes over the annoyance from being punished by the lab teacher. He probably forgot what happened this morning; I expect no less from him. 

"Ah, right. So how about I check the club room, and you check from the entrance of the school to here?" 

I see what's going on. "You want to finally show up on time, don't you?" 

He gives up a sigh. "Maybe I do." 

"Well, text me if you find them, alright?" 

"Will do." With that, he walks towards the club room as I start back-tracking, peering over at each nook and cranny. 

This'll take a while. 

not meant to be - TMFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें