9 - Starting Again (part 1)

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"Yo Drizzy, let's get a bite to eat mang I'm starvin" It was my main man Dalton.

"I'm with you there bro. We meetin anyone else?"

"Just Angel and Jay."

"Sounds good"

I followed Dalton to his car. I got inside and turned on the radio.

'Only' was on. It brought back all the memories from when me and Nicki had a "special" night.

Dalton finally got into the drivers seat of the car.

"Ready to eat!?"

"Damn right"

He laughed as he hit the gas.

~ Minutes later we arrived at McDonalds.

"Oh good, I could really do with a Big Mac!" I got out of the car.

Angel and Jay were already outside and were waiting for us.

"Hey guys" I shook hands with the both of them.

"Hey Drizzy" Angel said as we made our way inside.

"I'll order, what we getting?"

"Three Big Mac meals"

"Make that four!" Jay walked towards the counter.

I sat down in a booth with Dalton and Angel.

"So what's up Drake?" Angel asked.

"I fucked up with Nicki and I need ideas to get her back"

"Buy her flowers?"

"That's too simple"

"Then go all out! Buy her flowers, wine, chocolates, all that lovey dovey crap and take her to an expensive dinner." Dalton added.

"That could work"

Jay brought our orders over. I grabbed a to go bag and shoved my food in there.

"Where you off too?"Jay wondered

"Sorry boys, gotta start planning for tonight, thanks for the ideas though!"

I ran out of McDonalds and pulled out my phone.

"Hey Nicki, up for dinner tonight?😘"

"Well, I guess so, what time?"

"I'll pick you up at 8"

"Sounds good☺️"


I called a taxi and made my way to the market for the gifts.

It was time to make things right ~



Hey guys!👋

I know this chapter may be a little "boring" compared to the rest but part 2 of this chapter is coming soon and will be really exciting, I promise😊 ~

Thanks to everyone who is reading and has got me 2k+ reads, I am truly grateful ~


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