Chapter 21

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Lolo POV

I woke up with a sharp feeling on my back I didn't understand this feeling I look beside me to see if Caesar was awake.

"Caesar  wake up somethings not right"  I said tapping him.


"Something is hurting me on my lower back"

"Shit come on" he said putting on a shirt.

"Hand me a dress please I'm naked" I said trying to get up.

"Aight" he put the dress on for me and picked me up. 

He carried me downstairs and grabbed his car keys. I called BeBe and told her I was on my way to the hospital.

A million thoughts ran through my mind. I was nervous, I was worried, and I was scared. I wasn't due for another three weeks. I said many prayers in my head throughout the car ride

We got to the hospital and they rushed me into  a room. Everything felt like a blur. I started crying.

"Aye don't cry baby I'm right here don't cry" Caesar console trying to hug me.

"What if I slept wring and  I killed our baby?" I cried out.

"You can't think like that" he whispered as BeBe and Smiley work in.

"Oh sweetheart what happened what did the doctor say?"  BeBe said as she ran to my  bed side.

"They haven't said anything" I told.her wiping my tears. We sat down for another 2 hours until the doctors finally came in.

"It looks like your about to go into labor. We were waiting to see if your water would break. Since it didn't we are going to have to do it ourselves. We called your OB and she is on her way. Till then do you want to take an epidural"

"No I don't want to take any type of drugs" I said.

"Okay then. In that case we only want one person in the room during the process."

"Your going to break it now" I ask getting scared.

"We have to" she responded.

"Alright Lolo we gonna be here okay. Everything is going to be okay" BeBe said hugging me. Smiley came and called Caesar and hugged me. They left and they went and do their thing.

"Looks like I'm a have my baby girl a little early" Caesar joked. He smiled at me and j knew everything was going to be okay.  After all these years I am finally going to be a mother. It's like a dreams come true.


I was so nervous for my girl. I mean to have her baby three weeks early nobody was prepared for this. I called every one I knew she would want to be there. I ask Nae to go and get LoLo baby bag and some clothes. 

"You acting like you gonna go into labor."

"I feel like I am. That's my sister. My niece slash God daughter finna be born. "

"When we gonna tell them the sex of our baby"

"Well I wanted to do it at my baby shower."

"I don't care as long as they know."

"BEBE! Did she give birth? Everything alright? What I miss??" Tiarah ask.

"Girl calm down.You didn't miss anything." I said to Tiarah.

"This is so exciting" she said about to cry. Lawd there's pregnant people everywhere.

"Hormonal ass" Quan said sapping up Smiley. They said something and walked away.

"Men all they know is get us pregnant and show up" Tiarah said.

"Sometime they barely do that" I joked.

Couple of minutes later Nae showed up. "I missed anything?" She ask.

"Not that we know of. Where's Stella?"  I ask.

"With her daddy"

"How's that going" Tia ask.

"Things are a little calmer. I guess. I don't know. I just take it a day at a time"

"Aren't we all" I said just as Caesar walk up to us in some scrubs.

"What's happening" all of us ask.

"She is going into labor right now. She wanted to go and tell y'all. I gotta go back. Who brought  the stuff?" He ask.

"I did, here you go. Good luck" Nae said.

"Thanks" he said running back to LoLo room. It's gonna be a long night.

Caesar POV

Nigga was nervous as hell. I'M about to have a fucking baby! All I could do is hold LoLo hand. I blocked out her screaming and just focus on the wall in front of me. I was zoned the fuck out.

"CAESAR!!!!" LoLo yelled.


"Cut the umbilical cord now!" She yelled.

I look down and there she was. All bloody and slimy. I slowly walked over and the doctor handed me the scissor. I cut the cord and they wrapped her up. We got o hold her for a minute and she was off to  neonatal care.

"You did it bae" I said kissing a very sweaty LoLo"

"Yea I did it" she smiled.

"I love you"

"Love you more"

After two more hours a nurse came in. "What's the baby name" she ask.

"Hold on I want everyone to be here." LoLo said.

So I went into the lobby and called everyone into the room. When everyone was settled we look at the nurse and then we look at each other.

"What's the hold up?" Smiley ask.

"Frfr wanna act all suspenseful" BeBe said.

"The name of our a baby girl is..." LoLo started

"Caecey Violet Rome" I finished.


"No C-a-e-c-e-y" I correct.

"Awe like the three beginning letters of your name. I get it" My mama said.

"Mommy you so slow" BeBe said.

"Don't talk about my mother like that" Smiley said hugging her.

"Well I'll be back with Caecey" the nurse said.

"Imma call her Viloet  or Vi for short. Caecey is a white girl name" Smiley said making us laugh.

"Whatever. I'll make sure to make fun of your child name in two months"

"Don't remind me" he joked.

An hour later the nurse came in. "Who wanna hold Caecey Violet Rome first?" She ask.

"Me!" We all said. She came over and handed her to me.

(Violet In the mm)

She was beautiful. She looked like me with her mother's eyes and hair. She looked up at me and smiled. After all the shit LoLo and I went through, at this moment it was all gone. I had something that was mine.

I guess my therapist was right. The very moment you hold your child for the first time all you want to do is protect it. And that was what I AM going to do. 

"Sup Vi. You a bit early. What you couldn't wait to see your daddy huh?"  I smiled at her.

"Let me see my baby" LoLo said ruining my moment. 

"Wait yo turn" I said still holding her. I waited months for this moment. Better simmer down! 

Author note: Very very short update. I had to do it on my sister's phone. Income tax finna come and I will get my laptop. So be patient!



Caecey Violet Rome???

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