surging current

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As the rain drearily swept the streets blanketing the city in the melancholy of its piter-pater on the window pane infront of a well built man with light scarring on his flesh, the scars so fine none would notice their pattern or that it's resemblance to tatoo as the distance flash of light from a distant lightning strike. All that can be seen of his face is the bone chilling smile one that only belongs to a mad man, as the room plunges yet again into darkness the man's eye's briefly gleam and gently fade to darkness, which completely wraps around the figure as another flash of light cascades across the sky the lightning scorching the earth below the room is once again flooded by light to reveal the absence of any person, the room appearing untouched by anyone and it would remain that way for the rest of its days as seconds later a third and final tendril of electricity blasts through the ceiling obliterating the room and the rest of the building.

Before the smoldering and burning ruble of the building recently struck by lightning stands amanda waller and a small rodent like creature wearing a suit and tie, the creatures eyes analysing the wreckage for information only to find none, grimacing he turns to the women he is accompanying and sighs.

Nezu: it appears we are too late and he has arrived, i believe it best if we simply contain the damage as best possible as we have surely lost the element of suprise on this one, he has made the first move and has declared checkmate before game has begun.

Amanda: i agree but we cant back down on this one the repricutions would be to large and although it isnt a wise option it is sadly the only plan of action viable for us at this time.

As they speak someone robed in black appears behind them emerging from the shadows in full wrap, with two katana fixed to their back and holding a cinder block with an unusual burn upon it the two adults freeze at the new addiction in a defensive stance the figure simply ignored them and move past them to a man of 6.2 feet wearing green robes, a few gold ring the demonic face on one accompanyed by the blade at the mans hib demonstrated his identity to the two individuals to whom he was.

Amanda: hello ras al ghul what brings you to japan?

Although she was plainly aware she decided to ask regardless

Ras: you know full well why women and do keep in mind, that if i were not punishing my heir for his short sightedness he would still be by my side but until i have decided he has learned he will be told to serve his punishment.

He sneered at the women openly looking upon the two with distain, hatred and digust.

Nezu: my i enquire as to what his short sightedness was demons head?

Ras: he refused to accept that which will make him more powerful and that is why he is being punished.

Nezu: and what would that be?

Ras: his quirk.

On the other side of the city we see  a young man in his early twenties trsining drenched in his own sweat he continues the fatigue apparent on his face and body language but ignoring it he continues and shortly after the watch on his wrist begins to slow doen and stop ticking and cracks upon the glass cracking a sudden wave of insurmountable amount of pain floods his mind the fearful voice of children their fear anxiety due to the thunder, the voices and feelingsof the parents as they soothe them back to sleep, the happy couples, the every thought and emotion in a 25 mile radius is being transmitted into his mind as he screams in agony.

Upon hearing abone chilling scream karenor kara bolts upright and launches in the direction of tge training hall there she finds izuku knelt on the floor clutching his head screaming in pain she quickly seen that his inhibitor was damaged, she quickly and gently pucked him up and went to her room and activated the quirk and meta inhibitors with this he passed out and sank into her arms his face returning to a calm peaceful expression, carrying him to her bed she began cuddling him as though he were a stuffed bear and both junior heroes began to drift into the embrace of sleep

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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