task force x

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"Hello mister wayne or would you prefer heir to the demons head "

A young man with emerald green tipped hair with black hair encapsulating his skull in a neetly combed style as though designed to look both attractive and untidy was sitting there but what was strange was regardless of the fact he was wearing power cancelled cuffs there was still residual power which was why his eyes kept changing colours green, yellow, red, blue, purple, white and black then repeat but it wasnt that they were changing it was as though electricity of green, yellow, red, blue, purple and white while the black was as though something of a contrast to the rest as though a reset had begun but there was no mistaking there was definitely power in that colour but the man just grinned having electricity dance about him Provokingly as though daring someone to edge closer to the changing lighting sparking off him
The young man answered

Man: no no miss waller mr wayne will do fine no need for titles as we all know your not evan alive are you your just something that thinks its amada waller a perfect jailer

Waller: i suppose but are you not curious why your in my care and not in tartorous along side the elusive man named afo

Wayne: i just assumed youd tell me because people like you love to inform the people they have custody off why they are present am i wrong?

Waller: you mr wayne are here because we at belle reve deal with metahumans such as yourself you were miss diagnosed your telepathy is due to your metahuman dna that got altered further when you became a speedster

Wayne: intresting so im not going to Arkham or iron heights evan though it was it was the joit effort of wallace and the rest of the titans along sidr the oh so mighty justice league but its a complament you know to have not one but two teams take you on but sadly they used manhunter when i incapacitated the heavy hiters, the titans and most of the justice league he over loaded my telepathy by unleashing a psychic wave amd due to how sensitive i am to that sort of stuff but still i thought that the device woulda been enough to dull the effects of it apparently not

Waller: yes martian manhunter told us that your telepathic abilities are one of the most powerful hes seen and yet you suppress it if you hadnt you would have gotten away and not be sitting before terrifying the guards to the point one is considering shooting you.


Wayne: how utterly troublesome did you really really think that would work I WAS TRAINED BY THE GOD DAMN LEAGUE OF SHADOWS I ALSO STILL HAVE ENHANCED SPEED, STRENGTH AND DURABILITY EVEN WITH THESE CUFFS EVEN THAT FAKE Ingenium IS NO MATCH FOR ME EVAN WITH THESE CUFFS AND YOU THINK A GUN WOULD WORK *crack followed by the man dropping dead to the floor* now then shall we continue or shall i kill the rest to get some breathing room

Around the man named wayne were over 20 men with guns aimed at his head the man just chuckled before sitting leisurely down without a care

Waller: you mr wayne are here to serve your sentence dont be creating a fuss as it will not go well for you no take him to his cell

He was brought to his cell guns still trained on him the guards maintaining a distance to not be hit with the electricity surrounding him as he entered his cell he heard the other maximum security inmates talking

Frost: so sparky what got you locked in here

Wayne: i killed the man who killed my mother tomura shimura and then i killed the arsonist dabi i then systematically murdered the rest of the league of villains until two who remained a girl who was destroyed by society one who had been mistreated because of something out of her control and a man with a gecko quirk one that made his appearance that of a lizard man out of a video game it was kinda cool he went and joined a mab named stain who had escaped from prison to hunt fake heroes but the girl she had lost everything part of it was due to me but the world was just as much to blame so i brought her to someone i knew would restore her help her to become a better person with a future she had potential alot but she had been broken and pieced together again so many times it will be a while before she will be mentally secure but luckily she has people now who can give her the chance she needs

Captain Boomerang: so who killed that duplication guy he died ages ago before tomura died

Wayne: he was killed by the number 3 hero hawks

Croc: ՏԾ աɧԾ ԵԾԾk ՎԾՄ ԺԾաՌ ԵԾ ԳeԵ ՎԾՄ ʅԾՇkeԺ Մρ աɿԵɧ ՄՏ

Wayne: the justice league and the titans
But i took out the titans, wonder woman,superman, flash, hawk woman, green lantern but i got poned by the fact my suppression suit couldnt keep my telepathic abilities in check so it caused it to break forcing me to experience the thoughts and feelings of over 3 million people in the city and then i passed out due to shock

Diablo:dont worry my dude that is far from the worst way to go being incapacitated by the league is nothing short of sayn to those guys you need to take me on as a group to take me down well that means you aint strong enough to do it alone so dont sweat it

6 months later

Waller: mr wayne its time for a trip but first your going to sleep

The man named wayne awoke realising what happened he began to curse

Wayne:#%×(÷£^÷(÷£#^(÷₩×€÷*÷(÷¥ you ¥÷&÷(÷€÷&(÷¥#_÷(&*◇~◇■\》\÷*×₩92£÷*÷9÷72&2¥÷7=&£÷9@#&÷¥÷0}\■♡\♡\■\》\¡\}■○》*÷€÷&÷¥^÷*÷£÷&+¥÷__=&÷(×£÷%÷*×¥÷€^÷(×₩÷€÷&÷*÷(÷*

Waller: are you donewith your super speed swearing fit welcome mr wayne to task force x lets fo meet the rest

As he was wheeled he say

Killer frost aka catlin snow a scientist who was give the power of chronokinesis after an accident occurred due to negligence of other researchers

Captain Boomerang aka George digger harkness was an Austrian bank robber who used boomerangs that had deadly blades he rhen moved to central city after his family kicked him out becoming captain Boomerang before being caught by the flash

Deadshot aka floyd lawton a high price assassin and mercenary known as the worlds deadliest marksman was caught by flash and sent to belle reve

Killer croc jr the son of killer croc and orca he can shift between an orca and a crocodile man

Enchantress june moon joins the squad voluntarily after waller offers her a chance to become a hero and control her dark side

Solomon grundy a rehabilitated villian who had changed due to the help of starman he now wants to 'play' with people brought in after amada told him he could play with people

Plastique recruited after she was sent to belle reve upon making contact with anything she can make it explode

Parasite put on the team as another power house has been part of the task force for over a century he still has a sentence

Dr light she was recruited after accidentally killing an innocent and although wasnt she wanted a way to reconcile so after waller offered she joined

Rick flag head field officer of task force x a former pilot now field commander of the squad

Harley quinn after being transfer trom arkham upon wallers request was willing to join the league for fun she became immortal in the sense that she can die from physical wounds but disease, poison etc wont kill her she also doesnt age she did this by drinking zeus' blood after she hit ww with a with a remade god slayer sword modelled into a hammer and became a demigod with enhanced speed strength and durability but she can be killed by high caliber bullets so only small arms wont killer but leave a small bruise

As wayne saw rhen he said

Wayne: awe hell just blow my head now this is awful

Upon seeing him june became enchantress and she threw him though a wall

Enchantress: you had to get caught didnt you izuku well theres no helping you now

Deadshot:  welcome to the suicide squad flash

And there ya have it

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