Harry puts the kayak in the water, then takes my hand and helps me lower into the kayak. His hand is on the outside out my t-shirt at my hip. For some reason every time Harry touches me, my heart rate goes up. I just blame it on the fact that I'm not used to anyone touching me, I'm usually not a touchy feely person.

Harry soon joins me in the kayak and we start paddling. Harry is doing most of the work, but I try to help. We race Louis and Steph, but they get way ahead of us since I struggle to help paddle. Soon Harry stops paddling and I turn around to see him basking in the sun.

He then opens his eyes and looks at me. His green orbs feel like they are staring right through me. His gaze has always been intense.

"So, uh, what did I hear about you having a boyfriend?" He says quietly.

"Uh yeah. His name is Luke." I confirm.

"Interesting. So what is it about this Luke Kid that  makes him worthy of you?" He says.

The question catches me off guard and I don't know how to answer.

"Well, Uh, he's nice to me and listens well." I say, I feel somewhat confident in my answer.

"Wow, he's nice. Aren't most people nice?" He says, crushing my confidence.

"Well not all men." I gesture towards him.

"Touché" he says.

We sit in silence as I have nothing else to say.

Harry's face gets serious.

"Becks, I really hope he treats you well. You deserve the world, I hope you know that." He says staring into what feels like my soul.

"Thanks Harry" I say blushing.

It's a bit awkward as the silence takes over. I state at the butterfly tattoo that covers his chest. I couldn't see it clearly last week at the party since it was dark.

Harry must have noticed me staring because he cleared his throat.

I blush, "sorry."

"It's okay. I'm glad you like it." he gestures to the tattoo.

"I got it for my Nana, remember when we used to go to the butterfly farm with her and we would have butterflies all over our arms and head?" He asks.

"Omg, of course. That was so much fun!" I exclaim.

"Yeah, well after she passed that was a good memory of her that I wanted to keep forever, so I got it tattooed on my chest." He explains.

"I love it Harry. I think your Nana would too." I say sincerely.

"Thanks." He says smiling at me.

Our conversation is interrupted by Steph yelling "omg ugh!"

We paddle over to see what is wrong.

"What's wrong Steph?" I ask.

"I was trying to get my phone out to take a picture and in the process my debit card fell out of my ziploc bag into the water.

"Oh no, you can't find it?" I ask concerned.

"No, the water is too murky." She says sounding upset.

I decide at that point that I am going to try and find the card. The water can't be bad and I'm hot anyways from the sun blazing.

I stand up and start to jump off the kayak. I realize that this was a bad idea as I jump because the whole kayak begins to shake and I see Harry falling in as I am about to land in the water.

"Just Friends" A Harry Styles FanficOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant