"That explains why you showed up here, you knew it would be the first place I would go," Regulus added.

"I know you too well," Joseph said softly while grabbing his hand.

"I'm glad you could find us, but there's still so much I'm confused about. I show up a year later and there's a new Minister, Dumbledore's dead - literally what happened?!" she exclaimed.

Joseph took a deep breath, "After you died, the Ministry discovered the Dark Lord had truly returned. Fudge stepped down and Scrimgeour stepping in. I didn't have much knowledge from the inside, but I know the Order is still very much at large. The year went by pretty normally from what I know until a few days ago when Snape killed Dumbledore-"

"Snape was a spy for the Order, he couldn't have!" she gasped, cutting him off

"Snape's a true Slytherin, Cassiopeia. I don't know the details of what went down that night, but he did kill Dumbledore. Harry witnessed it. Apparently they were off Hogwarts grounds and Dumbledore was killed upon returning in a weakened state from whatever they did," Joseph continued.

"I can't believe he would do that..." Cassie trailed off.

Regulus scoffed, "I can. Snape has always been a prick."

"I just don't get why we returned now, a year later in July," she groaned, ignoring her Uncle's statement.

"Maybe it's so we can hunt horcruxes in warm weather," he replied sarcastically.

"You told her about the horcrux?!" Joseph snapped.

"It was the only way we could even return back to life, Joseph. As soon as we made an agreement to find and destroy the horcruxes the door opened for us to leave," Regulus explained.

"I think it's what we're meant to do," Cassie added.

"This isn't some scavenger hunt, Cassiopeia. This is dark magic made by a very dark wizard. We can't just 'hunt' them," he said.

"It's the only shot we have to help win this war. We don't have much of a choice," she argued.

"As risky as it is, Cassie's right. We have an advantage right now having no one aware we're alive. It's the right thing to do, Joseph, and we need your help to do it," Regulus pleaded.

Joseph ran a hand over the stubble on his chin. He hated the idea that they could be killed again doing what they did to make it happen the first time. It was terrifying to know they wouldn't come back if they died again, but deep down he knew it would be more difficult to live with the knowledge he did nothing to help.

"Fine," he groaned, "but you will both listen to what I say without any complaints."

"No problem, but just out of curiosity, how long are we going to keep our return a secret?" she pondered.

"This is about Sirius, Remus, and Tonks, isn't it?" Joseph said knowingly.

"I just miss them so much. I know it's only been like a day for me, but for them I've been dead for over a year. I hate knowing they're out there grieving while I'm alive and well," she said sadly.

"If it's any consolation," Regulus began, "I hate it too. There's so much I wish to say to my brother, but I know this is for the greater good. It'll all be worth it when we can finally see them again."

"How are we even going to start this? We have no idea where to start. At this rate I won't be able to see them again for years," Cassie stated bitterly.

"We'll start with the locket. Make sure Kreacher actually destroyed it then we'll go from there," Joseph said.

"I don't know how you expect us to go to Grimmauld with Sirius there," she acknowledged.

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