(Senpai x Overwhelmed reader)

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[AN🦐: fukin' hate wednesdays, but betcha didn't expect this ;D]

The school hallways were bare, classrooms were filled with unenthusiastic students tucked in little desks while teachers spewed information. Few students were out of class whether they be ditching or have a free period, it didn't matter.
At the end of a long hallway, stood the main student restrooms, where one could barely hear faint stifled huffing.
"I can't- I can't t- take this!!" Y/n screamed internally gripping at their h/c locks and darting their eyes all around.
Life had hit them like a bus with countless problems, expectations, and worries. As a senior in high school, who was supposed to be graduating in less than three months, the pressure was really on. One slip up, and they could have all their hard work wasted, it didn't help that their family was strict and expectant as hell. The stress had reached a point where Y/n couldn't hide it without completely lying to everyone ever about the issues they were having. Y/n didn't want anyone else to get absorbed into their worries, especially him.
"Senpai..." Y/n murmured, voice softening at the mention of their boyfriend's name.
He's the one person who's always able to keep Y/n going, gives them a reason to work hard for their goals. Senpai was able to give Y/n such a strong sense of safety that nothing else could possibly give. A shame Y/n wasn't being honest with him about their overbearing stress. Senpai had even taken notice of Y/n's hidden anxiety spike and tried to bring it up, but Y/n couldn't bring themselves to talk about that with him and brushed it off, pulling countless excuses and topic changes on him. They were too nervous about how Senpai would react to such problems, especially since some seemed unreasonably nerve wracking. Not even 18 yet, Y/n had no clue what they wanted to do with their life, and yet so many other students did which made them feel ashamed of themselves.
"What a drama queen." Y/n thought to themselves, facing a mirror with a reflection of their very own tear stained face.
Turning on the tap, they splashed some cold water in their face. Closing their eyes for a moment, they took a few deep breaths to appear calmer before drying off and ultimately exiting the restrooms.
Glancing around, there were groups of students chatting in the hallways.
"Class must've ended" Y/n thought before heading back to their classroom for their stuff.
They trudged eyes glued to the floor, afraid of making eye contact with anyone who will notice they had just been crying. Letting out a sigh, Y/n opened the door to the classroom.
"Y/n I was waiting for you!!" Senpai jumped out of y/n's desk he was sitting in to give them a hug.
Nestlings their face into Senpai's chest, Y/n hugged him back tightly, hesitant to let go. Senpai noticed this. Just as Y/n began to pull away, he had pulled them close into his warm arms once more.
Unable to mask their distress any longer, Y/n melted into Senpai's touch once more and broke down sobbing. As he rubbed their back, Senpai leaned over to plant a kiss on y/n's head.
"I couldn't bear watching you take on so much all on your own." He admitted, full of remorse. "I'm sorry I know that I've ignored how you said not to worry and that you're tough but still..." he trailed off.
There was a moment of silence as y/n's sobs became more controlled. They felt awful.
Looking up hesitantly, they were met with sapphire eyes filled with sorrow.
Senpai himself was holding back tears, looking down at y/n as he tried his best to comfort them. Y/n had never seen this side of him before. "D- did he really want to protect me that badly? That he was so upset at himself for not preventing this from happening?" They thought, guilt clawed at them. "I'm- so sorry Senpai" they managed to croak out, struggling to maintain eye contact with him. It was like Y/n's confession all over again as their cheeks burned, anxiously waiting for him to reply.
"You're so dumb Y/n" his voice quivered as his tears broke free. "You shouldn't be apologizing, but it's so adorable and catches me off guard. It makes me question whether I should be teasing you about it or beating someone to a pulp for making you feel such a way." he explained, protectively gazing into y/n's glistening e/c eyes before continuing "But one thing's for sure. It's that I'll be here for you no matter what, even if you don't feel like you need or want me to be. And that's cause I love you." A faint smile appeared on his face.
A feeling of warmth overflowed within Y/n from hearing this, they could feel their cheeks going red. Y/n exhaled feeling a great weight off of their shoulders, as their breathing steadied. Finding themselves mesmerized once more by Senpai's loving gaze, they smiled back at him, genuinely.
"I really don't know what I'd do without you. Thanks Senpai." they grasped into him, burying their head in the crook of his neck before letting out a whisper. "I love you~"
Senpai stiffened. Y/n could feel his cheeks burning from how close their faces were.

Oh how the tables have turned, who's a flustered baby now? Teeeheheheheee

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