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"Yo, hows my side hoe doing?" Kaden answered in her usual preppy tone.

Rob chuckled, "I'm doing pretty good. But I thought I was your main bitch." It changed every time, Kaden would give them weird nicknames, then create new ones within a week. So he just went with it. It wasn't too much to ask considering he is staying at her house for the next few weeks.

"Nah, Mat's the main bitch, your a basic bitch." Kaden's smirk was heard through the phone.

Rob gave another soft laugh, "Alright, well main bitch and me would like to tell you that we are at Section D of the airport."

"Okay basic bitch. We'll look for you." Mitch's laugh and yell could be heard softly.

"Erm, Kaden? Is it okay that we brought few friends?" He asked, his voice etched with worry.

"Depends. Describe a few." Kaden answered with a carefree tone of voice.

"Just two. Vikk, and Lachlan."

"I see, a Brit, and an Aussie. Sure, why not? I can give them each a spare room when we get to my place." Another soft yell from Mitch was heard on the other end of the call.

He sighed in content, knowing he had a place for his friends to stay. "Well stop torturing the benja, and come get us." He smirked, and walked back towards Mat, Vikk, and Lachlan.

Mat had curly blackish brown hair, and was currently sporting a Dota shirt, along with some normal jeans. Lachlan, and Vikk had similar outfits, except Lachlan was blond, and Vikk was tanner than Mat. Lachlan had a thick Australian accent, whilst Vikk had a lighter British accent. Mat sounded like a typical Canadian, with a few 'eh's thrown in here and there. Rob himself had short dark hair, and he had stubble across his jaw. He wore a blue sweatshirt, and had brown eyes, just like the rest of the guys. Except for Lachlan, who had blue eyes.

"Kay, see you in five, basic bitch." And with that there was a click, meaning Kaden had hung up. Its weird that way, she never says goodbye. When Rob asked her why, she said she didn't mean to be rude, she just didn't believe in goodbyes. Which he still doesn't fully understand, but he was satisfied with the answer, at least she wasn't just doing it to him.

He walked over to the guys, "Kaden should be here in a minute with the guys."

"How did you and Kaden become friends again?" Vikk asked, "I mean you said her father was in the Irish Mafia."

"No, he said not to mention the fact that her father was in the Irish Mafia, mate." Lachlan gave Vikk a playful glare.

Mat chuckled at their stupidity, and explained furthermore, "I met her online, and before we met up in real life, she told me about her father. She said that it's stupid people still label her as mob leader or something. So be careful."

"Be careful?" Vikk asked, sounding confused.

"Don't get on her bad side." Was all Rob had to add to the conversation.

Vikk opened his mouth to say something, then shut it. As if he was choosing his words carefully. It didn't matter, because before he could say anything, a girl jumped onto Rob's back.

"Robbeh!" She gleefully screamed as she dropped back onto the ground.

Mat laughed, and went to hug the girl. "Kaden, this is Vikk, and Lachlan." Mat introduced them.

"Heyo. I'm that hyperactive chick you will start to hate in about a week." She smiled warmly at the guys.

Lachlan, and Vikk smiled back at her, and said hello back. 'She doesn't seem too bad. If anything she is the opposite of a mob leader.' Vikk thought to himself.

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