Part 6

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Over the next few days I work out in the gym more and more both with and without my arm. On this day I walk into the bar with the towel draped across my shoulder and see the patched members all talking. " Church!" Killer calls but I and the other prospect just wait. As we do one of the sweet butts walks over to us. I know her as Cindy a new girl to the club, but I'm not interested in the sweets. Yeah, I'm  guy with normal guy urges but I also have standards and  being a sloppy second isn't one of those. 

"Hey guys, looks like something up" she says brushing her hand over my bare chest. I move it and head to my room to shower and dress. When I came back Killer and the others were stood in the bar. 

"Okay, Prospects, jobs for today, Pitbull your with Socket, old Mr Johansson's truck broke down again so needs towing back to the garage, you'll stay with him and help fix it." He turned to every one else and gave out jobs. Soon we headed out socket and I in the tow truck while the others rode their bikes. 

We found the truck and had it hooked up in no time, I was surprised at how easy it was to do. As I finished tightening the straps two bikes rode past. I watched them as they headed into town.

"You know them?" Socket asked  as I stood with a frown trying to remember where I'd seen them.

"I'm not sure?" I say and feel a sharp pain in my head as I tried to remember. I sit in the truck and shake away the pain putting it down to too much sun. Together we head into town and the garage to fix the truck. Again we see the bikes but now they are parked at the diner.  I see through the window both men sat slightly facing into the diner. Since Socket wasn't bothered about them I just carried on with my task. 

That evening we returned the truck , it only had a hole in the oil pan where he must have hit a stone, so once replaced it was good to go and  old Mr Johansson was happy to have it back. I was just glad to be headed back to the club so I could wash off the grease and dry dirt. 

As we drew close I saw the same two bikes now parked in front of the club. I looked to Socket who glanced at me as he parked the tow truck around back. Slipping out Socket stopped me and shook his head.

"Go in the back way, if their trouble don't start anything." He told me and I nodded  and headed for a side entrance. As I walked into the bar area to head up the stairs I heard one of the men shout out. 

"There he is, little Pitbull lap dog." He said in a very condescending tone as he pushed one of the sweet butts off his knee. " Hey Lap dog, you not gonna say anything?"  He walked over and pushed my shoulder. I looked up at his face its then I see his face but in fatigues laughing at me. Pain erupted in my head so much so I took a step back. "Awe, does the lap dog not remember us." He scoffed

My head felt like a jack hammer was trying to break out of it, the memory would not appear. "Hey leave him alone" I hear Ace call out as he walked over. "You came here to do business with us, now its done, leave." He says. The guy scoffed and pushed my shoulder again before motioning to his friend and together they left. "You okay, you look pale?" He asks as I shake my head.

"I need to see doc." I say heading to the medical room where I find Doc and Cordelia tending to the young boys scraped knee. 

" Hey Peter" Cordelia says but seeing my pale face walks over to me " you okay?" I look at both of them and shake my head. Cordelia sent the young boy on his way and sat me down. " what happened?"

" It happened again." I say looking up at her. "Two guys in the bar, they acted like I should know them but.." I stopped as the pain erupted once more now more intense, then it happened I blacked out, falling from the chair out cold right onto the floor. .

When I came too I was laid on the bed a machine beeped next to me and Doc stood taking my vitals. "what happened?" I asked and he smiled looking down at me.

"You passed out." He said helping me to slowly sit up on the bed.

"But why?" I asked confused letting him remove the pads rom my chest and turn off the monitor

" That is the unanswered question." he said and lent on the bed as if thinking. " I asked for your medical history from the vet hospital, and its funny, they mention your arm, that's clear to see but they also mention a head wound,  its mentioned only once in your record, then I found no record of it again, also they gave you the name Peter because those tags were in you hand when you were found." He moved to stand in front of me. " I'd like to check something." I nodded and he placed his fingertips against my head moving them as if searching for something then he 'aha'ed  as if he'd found it and smiled. " I'd like to take an x-ray.." before he could say more I slipped from the bed and stood in front of him.

"Listen, can we do this tomorrow  I'm beat, weird I know" I say and he chuckled.

"not weird at all, come find me tomorrow morning first thing." he said and I left heading to my room. After my shower I stood in front of the mirror feeling where he had all I felt was a raised line that ran along the back of my head. I shrugged and quickly headed to bed to sleep.   

Peter "Pitbull" Mackenzie or SINBOUNDWhere stories live. Discover now