She opened one eye and glanced down at his big blue eyes staring at her. 

"You are such a pain you know that," she said rolling her eyes 

Harry rolled onto his side to face her and cupped her cheek, pulling her in close for a gentle kiss. The kiss was short-lived as moments into it, Olivia found herself climbing on top of Harry's lap. He scooted back onto the bed so his back was against the wall and placed his hands on Olivias bum before returning to kiss her again, she pushed his messy fringe out of his face and began kissing down his neck, eliciting small groans from him. He tugged his t-shirt off and flung it onto the ground, his bare arms wrapping around Olivia and reaching up to unbuckle her bra, she pulled the straps down and let it fall onto the bed. Olivia could feel how hard Harry was getting and could not deny that she herself was getting extremely turned on, Harry pulled up her skirt and pushed her underwear to the side, a small damp patch forming due to her arousal, and slid his two fingers in. Olivia rolled her eyes back and gasped into Harry's neck as he continued to thrust his fingers in and out, he put his free hand's fingers under her chin and lifted her face to him so he could kiss her. Olivia struggled to kiss back as the pressure building in her core got more intense. Harry smiled at her struggles and continued to kiss down her neck while keeping with the rhythm he had set himself. As Olivia squirmed on top of him he began tapping gently with his thumb on her most sensitive area, sending her into overdrive as she moaned his name loudly. Harry was painfully hard now and flipped positions so Olivia was now on her back, he pulled down her underwear and reached over into his drawers for a condom before positioning himself at her entrance. 

Olivia moaned Harry's name in ecstasy over and over again, his breaths got more ragged as he leaned over her and buried his face in her neck, whispering obscenities into her ear with his thrusts getting slower and sloppier, signifying he was close to his release. Olivia wrapped her legs around him and pulled him in closer as Harry twitched inside of her. They lay together in a sweaty heap before he finally pulled out and placed the used condom in the bin. 

Harry's cheeks were flushed and his hair clung to his skin with sweat. He covered himself with his hands and exhaled loudly before pulling on his boxers and going over to open the window, before booting up his computer. Olivia slipped on her vest and shorts and made the bed before lying on top of it and staring out the window. 

"It's so sunny, want to sit outside for a bit?" she asked

Harry looked out of the window and nodded "Yeah sure. I'll see if there are any ice lollies in the freezer" 

When Harry left the room his computer finally turned on and Olivia went to go turn it off to save battery. The computer screen had loaded to a web page with ads for apartments in London. Olivia stared at the screen and felt her eyes begin to prick with tears. 

"No ice lollies" Harry called from the kitchen 

Olivia turned the computer off and wiped her eyes before heading out to the back garden with Harry. In his back garden, there was a multitude of things. The trampoline however was the best thing for Olivia and she spent most of the rest of the day bouncing and lying on it while Harry kicked a ball into a goal. After about an hour Harry joined her on the trampoline, they both took turns trying to see who could bounce the other the highest which ended in Harry landing on the grass and almost dislocating his shoulder. They decided to go back inside and sat in Harry's room. Olivia wanted to bring up the ads for flats in London or the fact that they hadn't even discussed what they were but she stayed silent, watching the last of the sun disappear behind the clouds, turning the sky a beautiful orange colour. Olivia curled up on the bed under a blanket and watched Harry play his games. She couldn't even remember falling asleep until she woke up in a pitch-black room with her phone buzzing wildly and a sleepy Harry complaining about the noise. 

Our Little Secret - Harry Lewis, WroetoshawWhere stories live. Discover now