Part 11

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The Next Day

Zander was getting ready for school. He was still thinking about confessing to Jake, but he was scared that Jake could unfriend him or just leave me. Zander shrugged it off and walked off,Hailey was sick so she sadly had to cancel the club meeting.

Zander didn't make it because he was getting tired of being early and it was not that easy to be late.He went off to school early because he wanted to read books in the garden because he was in love with books. Zander felt calm when he went into the garden and smelled the fresh air.

As Zander was sitting there taking his book and started to open a page,someone's arms were on his shoulders. He wasn't scared or anything,he knew it was jake.

Zander - "Hey Jake"

Jake - "Hi Zander!"

Zander - "What are you doing here very early?"

Jake - " I knew you were gonna be here so I decided to come early and spend time with you!"

Zander - "Aw that's sweet of you"

Jake - "Thank you!,what are you reading by the way?"

Zander - "Oh,I reading this pretty good book"

Jake - "Oh my god,l love this book!"

Zander - "For real?"

Jake - "Mhm,could you read it for me l really love that book!"

Zander - "Sure"

So Zander begin to read the book,Jake was listen to every words he was saying.It's was only 2 minutes but they feel like 3 hours in the garden.Sadly school is starting in 5 minutes,they didn't want to go it was very a nice moment for both of them.They both went inside the building and went into their lockers.

They both have different classes so they both wave at each other and go their own ways. Zander went into English class. The teacher was teaching the same thing as always so zander didn't even pay attention and was thinking of confessing to Jake at the end of the day.

Zander noticed Milly was next to him so he decided to talk with milly,Zander grab a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote in it "Hey milly,l wanna talk something about jake" .He poke at milly and give her the paper,after a few seconds milly poked him and gave him the same piece of paper.

"What do you wanna talk about jake?" The note says. Zander began to write on the piece of paper,he noticed milly waiting for the answer. He finished the note "I had a crush on him for a few days now and I decided to confess to him at the end of the day". He once again poke at milly and handed over the paper,and it was like this for the whole class.

Milly's Note - "Omg,you have a crush on him!?"

Zander's Note - "Yea l do.."


Zander's Note - "Oh shut it milly,l need help"

Milly's Note - "ok,ok sorry,you should confess to him in the end of the day,if you gonna do that l bet you will,you could write a note for him in his locker and you can tell him where you wanna meet and time,i recommend in the garden outside"

Zander's Note - "That looks good advice,Thank you so much milly!"

Milly's Note - " No problem,you could pay me off by buying me chips zander :)"

Zander's Note - "Yea,Yea whatever"

Milly and Zander were kinda laughing after they finished writing their note.The teacher didn't even notice what they were doing. All she was doing was just talking and nothing else. They both wave off for the next class.

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