Chapter 5 - Lets Party!

Start from the beginning

She grinned, “Okay!” she chirped in reply disappearing into my on suite

She emerged a minute later wearing the dress, she looked amazing in it!

“Oh my gosh Sammy! You look amazing! That dress looks so good on you, have a look” I said pushing her towards the mirror

She smiled, a genuine one “Aww thanks Jace!” she said hugging me

I laughed and hugged her back. “Okay one outfit out of the way, what about mine…”

Sammy perked up at this and released the hug “I got this” she said before disappearing into my closet

A couple of seconds later she emerged holding one of my favourite dresses. It was a light blue knee high dress. “This one” she said pushing me towards my bathroom.

I laughed and closed the door behind me. As I pulled on the dress, I remembered the last time I wore it. It was at a party just like the one I was going to tonight, however that one didn’t end to well… snapping out of my thoughts I chucked my uniform in the dirty clothes basket and walked out.

“So?” I asked doing a twirl

“It’s perfect!” she replied, excitement laced in her voice

“Okay, okay… Come on hair next” I said dragging her over to the seat in front of my mirror “Now, straightened or curled?”

Sammy tapped her chin thinking for a couple of seconds then shrugged “Surprise me!” she finally said with a smile

Curled it is. I thought to myself. After fifteen or so minutes working on Sammy’s hair it was curled to perfect. I had to admit I was pretty proud of myself for doing her hair that good. I felt a smile creep its way onto my face. “Done!” I exclaimed cheerfully

She opened her eyes and stared into the mirror. I couldn’t help but smile, with the light curls in her hair suited her so well with the dress, she looked… beautiful. Her eyes shone with excitement and I could tell it was a job well done.

“Aww thanks Jace, I love it!” She jumped up and hugged me again

“Ha-ha okay, alrighty now I just have to do my hair and a little make up and then we’re ready!” I said as she released me from the hug

She nodded her head excitedly, for some reason she reminded me of a kid in a lolly shop. I pointed to my makeup and she walked over and chose a light purple eye shadow. She put some above her eye lids and nodded approvingly into the mirror. I laughed lightly and began work on my hair.

After ten minutes I had finished my hair, it looked pretty much the same as Sammy’s apart from the length and colour. I smiled and quickly put on a little mascara and lip gloss. All done I thought to myself. “You ready to go?” I asked Sammy who was nodding in reply

Mum still wasn’t home yet so I left a note, it read:

Hey Mum,

Went to a party with Sammy. Don’t worry it’s a party of a girl from school, she invited us.

Be back later

Love Jace xx

P.S. I have my phone if you need me :)

I smiled at the note and placed it on the kitchen table. A couple of seconds later I got a text.

Hey Jacey, it’s Haze…

My address is 128 Lokan Lane.

Cya’s at the party

I sighed remembering all of my pre-party jitters. Still something didn’t fell right. But I kept trying to convince myself that the party was going to be fine. Sammy cleared her throat. How long had I been staring at the text?

“Sorry, I have the address. Do you know where it is?” I asked holding up my phone showing her the message

“Yep, it’s a couple of streets over” She replied grinning. She was excited, I could tell. For some reason I found myself grinning back, seems her excitement was rubbing off on me.


After we left the house we began walking towards Hazels’ house. Luckily my ballet flats were comfy, and Sammy had changed into a pair when we were at her house. We were walking for about ten minutes until we finally heard the pumping music. Yep we were there alright.

My pre-party jitters fired up once again and I felt my eyes turn silver. The last time I was at a party like this was at my last school. That was before they found out about my eyes. I was having fun laughing and talking to my ‘friends’ when Sophia of all people came up to me. From the very first day of school, she never liked me. Everyone was happy to have a new person in their class; that is apart from Sophia. In a way she’s the same as Hazel. I don’t know what made them both dislike me so much, I don’t even know if it was anything in particular. I could imagine Sophia and Hazel being friends. Uh-oh, I forgot to tell Hazel to back off Sophia… I can just imagine the text message I would receive, but for some strange reason I hadn’t gotten one yet. I shivered at the thought of what that message would say. Pushing the thought to the back of my mind, the memory continued. I still remember is as if it happened yesterday. I was just standing there minding my own business and bam! Sophia purposely walked into my causing me to spill my drink on my shoes, my favourite shoes. I had bought them with my Dad before he passed away. I was a pretty calm person until that day. I turned to face Sophia and she had a wicked smirk on her face. She gave a sarcastic ‘oops’ and laughed and my soaking feet. I was so angry that I forgot to control my emotions. I could feel my eyes burning gold as I walked towards her. I still remember her scared look at a still straight in front of her. All I said was “These shoes” I pointed to my feet “Were the last present I got from my Dad before her died!” I screamed. I had lost it in front of all those people. I felt numb, my eyes turning a electric blue. And then her words were what really threw me over the edge. “What is wrong with you? You freak!” she screamed at me

I heard fingers snapping in front of me. Blinking a couple of times I saw Sammy standing there with a worried expression on her face.

“Hey Jace are you okay? You kind of spaced out on me there and you had blue eyes, is everything okay?”

“Oh sorry, I was just remembering something about my Dad and some other stuff” I shook my head as if casting away a sad thought. I could feel my eyes were still blue so I decided to think of puppies; that usually did the trick “I’m okay now. Let’s party!” I smiled at her, and felt my eyes turn green again. She smiled; I’m guessing thinking of the puppies worked.

Sammy rang the doorbell and Hazel answered. For a fraction of a second I saw that wicked grin before it turned to a sweet smile “Hey guys! I’m so glad you could make it! Come on in” she yelled over the music

Walking in I saw pretty much every person from our class and a couple extra, which I couldn’t recognise with the lights flashing. However a girl turned around, funny she had the same colour hair that Sophia had…. As soon as I saw her face my heart skipped a beat.

What. Was. She. Doing. Here!?

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