" Never Been Apart "

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Boun's POV

I have never been this shocked my entire life

My heart was beating so much it almost leaped out of my chest

' Prem was standing in front of me

Completely alive an unharmed


He walked up to me still holding Saengdao in his arms and wiped my face

Apparently I was crying and I didn't notice

I held his chubby cheek in my palm

" You're really here ?"

" I can never stay away from you Boun "

I almost crushed him in a hug but I had to stop myself because of Saengdao who was asleep in his arms

Prem put her in her crib, covered her and go to the bathroom to fix her a bath 

I got dressed and just watched him do his work still in shock that he's really in my presence

He got her dressed and let her play in her crib

I went over to stand next to both of them

I could smell his scent

I missed it so much

Saengdao smiled so much the whole time Prem was near him  

" She won't stop playing with you you know "

" She's got so much energy for being so small and just a few minutes ago having a fever "

" She had a fever ?"

" That's why she was crying  a while ago but she's just fine now

It was a mild fever

And I can tell  she's a fighter "

" She gets it from her mom "

I could see the disappointment in his eyes but he managed to hide it with a smile

" She must be a lovely woman "

I pulled him to me and made him face me

" You Prem are that lovely woman "

Prem's POV

I was disappointed when  Boun mentioned about his daughters mom

' did he move on just like that ?

And how could he have a daughter when I'm the only person he's ever been intimate with'

" You Prem are that lovely woman "

" B...but how ?"

" You don't remember being pregnant ?"

" I lost my memories for some time "

" W..what ?"

" Don't worry Boun

Throughout this past month I was fortunate enough to remember almost everything

But I may have not looked at myself that much

Also I was told I was in an accident and that's where I got this scar but I guess it was a lot more than just an accident "

He embraced me tightly

Gosh I missed his touch so much

" I was in pain with your absence but you went through just as much "

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